Warm Up of 5 minute bike
20 OHS with A PVC
40 Overhead walking lunges with a pvc
Grab an empty bar… over the next three weeks we will break this lift down
0-2 Minutes 10 Power Snatches from the power position
2-4 Minutes 8 squat snatches starting from the power position
*confused.. dont worry, we will explain it. Cant perform a full snatch. thats ok.. power snatch plus overhead squat

5 sets of 3 Full or Power snatches from the power position
Work your way up to a heavy 3.. it might take more than 5 sets

Wod- (snatch weight should be as  lighter than what ended your strength with
Hang Snatches 135/95  (HOOK GRIP)
Burpees over your bar

Immediately 600m run or 30/25 fast bike cals

*****If you cant do sets of 7 on your 21.. you went to heavy..

Warm up
8 minute partner row. 1 minute on one minute off
Then together
25 Airsquats with a one second hold at the bottom
30 walking lunges
20 Push ups (correct push ups)

Last heavy week of this 4 week Wendler Strength Cycle.

Make sure you hit as many reps as possible on that last set…
Back Squats
The numbers below are based off of 90 percent of your one rep max.. get that 90 percent number than use the chart or your phone to figure out the numbers
5×40% 5×50% 3×60% 5×75% 3×85% THEN

16 Minute Emom-
Even Minutes
10 Hspu (sub 15 pushups or 10 Heavy Dumbbell presses)
Odd Minutes
200M Sprint

******If you are not great a running we will shorten the length.. but you need to be running about 40- seconds a round.
******If you dont complete the work in one of the minutes it just turns into regular wod of handstand push ups and running.. as many rounds as possible.


Sunday Funday

With a partner, with a running clock, split the work however you want

800m Run
Grace (30 Clean and Jerks)

3 Rounds
42 KB swings
24 Pull ups
Run 400 Together

Then Karen
150 wall balls.

Cinco De Drinko
Get your workout in before you go out tonight!

8am Endurance- Famous Train Harder Triathlon
1500M row
1 Mile Run
1 Bike Tabata
1000m Row
800m Run
1 Bike Tabata
500M row
400m Run
1 Bike tabata

*********** Write your bike cals down after every round! You get to take a second off your time for every cal you get on the bike!


9am MOBILITY !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

10am Partner Chipper

35 Minute Time Cap-
Hero Wod Chipper day. Partners… Split work however you want
75 Snatches for time

Straight into
“Hotshots 19”

6 Rounds
30 Airsquats
19 power cleans 135/95
7 Strictpull ups
4oo M  run.. run together

Straight into Laredo
6 Rounds for time
24 Air squats
24 Push Ups
24 walking lunges
400M run (both run)


If you finish before 35 mintues go back and complete Randy again.

Warm Up-
Murph Practice
Run 800m
5 rounds
5 Pull ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats
12 Minute cap *** if you run 800m in  more than 5 minutes then switch the run to a 400

Strength Bench Press
(Use 90 percent of your 1 rep max, the same number you used last week, the percentages are just higher)
AMRAP at 90%

Quickly review power snatch

15 Minutes
Then with remaining time
10 power Snatches 115/75
100m Farmer Carry 50/35

****Sorry if you saw tire flips.. change of plans. tires were pretty nasty, will get them ready for next week.

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