Go to games.crossfit.com to at 8pm to see the workout.
Here are some simple and easy steps for making the most out of your open!
-Open wod is the class wod on Friday. Great time to get it done and get it out of the way. One and done is the way to go
-Starting at 4pm on Friday is Friday Night Lights! THE BEST TIME TO DO THE WOD. Come out, eat, drink workout, have fun and get it done! Be part of our awesome community. Plenty of people on hand to judge and no rep you
-Saturday 8-11am, more time to try it. Try to arrange someone to count for you before you get here!
-Sunday 9-10 two heats. Dont PROCRASTINATE! get this done by Sunday
Monday 9-10 am only.. 100% your last chance to attempt.

If you are in the open use this day as rest/recovery
5 minute bike, slow jog 600, 3 rounds

Quick review of the Open Schedule for THIS WEEK.
Open wod will be the class wod on Friday
Starting at 4pm we will run heats of the open wod until everyone is through. DO FRIDAY NIGHT LIGHTS!! Its the best time to this. BE PART OF THE COMMUNITY!
Saturday 8-12ish… 4 more hours to attempt the open. Try to arrange someone to count before you get here
Sunday 9-10.. even more time to get the open wod in
Monday 9-10… Last Hour to get this in
NO OPEN ATTEMPTS DURING REGULAR CLASS TIMES on Monday. If your open attempt spills over into class on Monday I wont validate your score. It’s really disruptive to the class to have different things going on, be courteous to you classmates.

Now the good stuff
2k Row Warm up with a partner, split how want

Bench Press
5 sets of 5.. build up until you miss!

3 rounds
30 slam balls
30 Kb swings
Run 800m

Warm up-
Row 500m
50 Walking lunges
30 Bottom to bottom air squats (squat down, hold 2 seconds, shoot up and get back down to the bottom quick)

Grab a bar-
4 minute emom technique review on the push press
0-2 Minutes 15 dip drives (no press)
2-4 Minutes 10 dip– drive— press
*NO MUTED HIPS WATCH THIS VIDEO https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hcFEcmE6WTU

*press ends directly overhead not in front of you.

Find 3 rep max push press, from the rack
Should look something like this for sets and reps
7,7, warm up 5,5, (lighter) 3,3 Moderately heavy 3,3 as heavy as possiblle

3 Rounds For time
Run 600m
10 Clean and jerks 135/95
2 Rope climbs

Warm up.. it’s going to be a cold one folks.. Lets do 1000m on the rower.
Grab your favorite bar!
Its squat clean complex warm Up
0-2 minutesĀ  5 power position squat cleans
2-4 minutes 5 hang from the knee squat clean PAUSE then push Jerk
4-6 Minutes 5 Power cleans from the shin, two jerks

Strength 10 Minute emom. slowly build up. This is the wods wars complex
1 Clean from the floor (squat or power)
1 Hang clean (squat or power)
1 Front Squat
1 Shoulder to overhead.


Wod 12 mintues
7 Front Squats (bar starts on the floor for first rep) 205/145
9 hand release push ups.


Simple and elegant.. like Joe

Final Open Attempts between 9-10am. Other than that make arrangements with a coach. No attempts after 4pm.

Warm Up-
Slow 800m Run.
Then 30 Air squats- Bottom to bottom.. that means————-Squat, hold it there for 3 seconds, shoot back up quick and back down. We will do this as a class

practice Sumo Deadlift highpulls. Review as a class. 8 on the minute for 3 minutes. Lightest weight possible
Pay attention to how you are lowering the bar.. lower to hips first, then bend knees and hips to get to ground

Move your bar to rack and get ready for

Sets 8 back squats
warm up to 70 percent.. that will take a few sets, your first WORKING set should be at least 70 person

5 Rounds
10 Sumo Deadlift High pulls 115/75 (Dont be a hero, should be able to touch and go your first round of 10
10 Push Press Same bar, same weight
Run 200m

Smile! There are only two weeks left in the open.

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