Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are early DON’T start the warmup. Stretch, bike, run, row or work on a weakness…. doubles.. pull ups…. pistols…. so many to chose from.

Warm up-
Lets jump right into deadlifts so you have a little time to recover for “Fight Club”
40 Weighted good mornings,
20 Light deadlifts. form form form.

Strength- Deadlifts
DO NOT add 10 pounds onto last week. Use the same max number as last week. Just 2 more weeks to go then we start a new strength program
Amrap @ 90%

Get enough equipment out to have stations. Not every person will start at the same station in classes over 7 people. Keep the bikes in one area, the bars in another area, the boxes  not scattered all over.

Fight Club Wod

  • 3 Rounds of 1:00 Max Reps of each of the following exercises in a row:
  • Thrusters (95/65#)
  • Power Cleans (95/65#)
  • Box Jump Overs (24/20″)
  • Pull Ups
  • Assault Bike Calories
  • 1 min Rest between each completed round.

Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are early DON’T start the warmup. Stretch, bike, run, row or work on a weakness…. doubles.. pull ups…. pistols…. so many to chose from.

Warm up-
4 Rounds
10 Rower Cals
15 Push ups

Strength- Bench Press DO NOT add 5 pounds onto last week. Use the same max number as last week. Just 2 more weeks to go then we start a new strength program
Amrap @ 90%

Review the Dumbbell Snatch

For Time:
800m Run
30 ALTERNATING Dumbbell snatches
400m Run
30 ALTERNATING Dumbell snatches
800m Run

Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. If you are late jump into class where the rest of the class is. We are finishing a lot of work in an hour, don’t fall behind. If you are there early stretch, row, run or work on a skill.
Warm Up-
Overhead Squat Thearpy, 10 minutes
WATCH THE SQUAT THERAPY VIDEO BELOW… slow, slow slow slow down when you are doing this.

Grab an empty bar
As a class (coach will explain each movement before you do them)
15 Power Position Power Snatch
15 Hang Position Power Snatch Plus Overhead Sqat
15 Snatches from the shin

work up to heavy Snatch single, taking it from the floor.
1,1,1,1,1,1,1,1   build up, between 7 and 10 attempts should be enough


21-18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Ring dips
Overhead squats

Men: 115 lb.
Women: 75 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.
Compare to 151023.

CrossFit WOD 180623 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Ring Dip
Overhead Squat Therapy

Reduce the reps and load so you can keep moving with limited breaks.

Intermediate Option
18-15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Ring dips
Overhead squats

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Beginner Option
15-12-9-6-3 reps for time of:
Jumping ring dips
Overhead squats

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.


Meet at the chalk board at the top of the hour. Stretch or row or run if you are there early. If you are there late (which happens more in the summer) jump into class at that point. Don’t fall behind.
Warm up-
4 Rounds
5 Strict Pull Ups
10 push Ups
15 Squat
Run 200m

Strength- Strict press. DO NOT add 5 pounds onto last week. Use the same max number as last week. Just 2 more weeks to go then we start a new strength program
Amrap @ 90%

4 Rounds For Time
15 Deadlifts (95/65)
15 Hang Power Cleans (95/65)
15 Shoulder to overhead (95/65)
1 Sled push

Meet at the board at the top of the hour. If you are there early DONT start your warm up. work on your weaknesses or mobilize. everyone has 100 unbroken double unders right? Everyone has weighted pistols, pull ups, perfect push ups right??  there is plenty to work on for everyone no matter what level of fitness you are at.
Warm up- Row 500
after last Friday its time for more squat therapy
30 wall squats with 1 second hold, Get through these so we can get going on these squats.

Strength- Back Squat. DO NOT add 10 pounds onto last week. Use the same max number as last week. Just 2 more weeks to go then we start a new strength program
Amrap @ 90%

For Time:
100 Wall Balls (20/14)
50 Cal. Row
30 Burpee Pull Ups

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