Friday December 14th

Warm up-
3 Rounds
Run 200
10 Push ups
20 Pass through
20 Air squats

Strength/skill  15 minutes
Back Squats
4X10, do a few warm up sets then build up to 4 heavy sets of 10.



Regional Event 3 (Kind of)

You can mix and match the movements you can do from the different ones listed below. Pick movements that are going to keep you moving but are challenging.
20 minute time cap.

3 rounds for time of:
9 muscle-ups
36-ft. handstand walk
40 single leg squats
36-ft. handstand walk


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CrossFit WOD 180601 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Handstand Walk

This workout contains a lot of high-skill gymnastics movements. Ignore the time cap and speed that the Regional athletes complete this workout in. Modify the movements and reps as needed while still using this as a chance to practice gymnastics skills.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
5 muscle-ups (bar or ring)
36-ft. handstand walk,
40 single leg squats or 80 squats
36-ft. handstand walk,

Option 3
3 rounds for time of:
15 Pull ups
9 Hand stand push ups
80 squats
9 Hand stand push ups

Option 4
3 rounds for time
20 Ring Rows
20 Push ups
80 Squats
20 push ups