8am Endurance-
Warm up with a nice 800m run
1 Mile- 4 Minute rest
800×2 with a two minute rest
400×4 with a 60 second rest

9am Mobility

10am TEAMS OF 3
800 M run together
150 Wall Balls
150 Slam Balls
800 Meter Run together
150 Kb Swings
150 Weighted Lunges with Dumbells
800 Meter run together
150 Burpees to finish the day

Friday the 13th.. don’t be scared of the Wod.

Warm up-
3 rounds
10 pull ups
10 cal bike


Coach led Snatch progressions.
0-2 Minutes 8 Power Position Power Snatches
2-4 Minutes 8 Hang position Power snatches
4-6 Minutes 5 Snatch from the shin, or snatch from the shin plus overhead squat.

On a 14 Minutes clock build up to 2 of your heaviest hang snatches

Newer athletes drill your form over and over, add your overhead squat. Experienced athletes work up to heavy doubles.


Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 15-ft. rope

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180110 Tips With David Tittle
The Power Snatch
The Rope Climb (Basket)

Scaling this WOD
This is a fast-paced triplet. The barbell should be light enough that you can complete several rounds of snatches and lunges unbroken. Rest as little as possible. Aim for at least 5-6 rounds.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 overhead walking lunges
1 rope climb, 12-ft. rope

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 10 minutes of:
5 power snatches
10 walking lunges
1 rope climb, from lying to standing

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

Warm up
wrist mobility 2 minutes a wrist
Shoulder mobility 2 minutes a shoulder
50 air squats
20 Overhead squat

Review points of performance of all movement. This doesnt look like much but including your warm up set and the amount of weight you are using this going to take the entire hour.
We are going for 3 rep maxes  on the last three movements.


All Strength
20 Rep Back squat day…. YAAAAAAAAYYYYYYY
Warm up with empty bar, do at least 4 sets of 7 building to your 20 rep number

Front squat 3-3-3 reps
Thruster 3-3-3 reps
Push jerk 3-3-3 reps

Scroll for scaling options.
Post weights for score

CrossFit WOD 180108 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Front Squat
The Thruster
Coaching the Thruster With Cameron Soden
The Push Jerk

There is no need to scale this workout. Less experienced athletes should focus on consistent mechanics and only add weight when they are comfortable with the lifts.

For Classes over 16 we will split things up. Half the class will bench first, half the class will do these cardio intervals first.
Warm up 800M run
30 Push ups

Strength whether you do it first or second is bench press
10,9,8,7,6,5,4,3,2,1 Try to increase weight every two rounds.


On a 25-minute clock, 5 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

***all of the above is 1 round, coach will call out times because the clock on your rower will stop.

Scroll for scaling options.

CrossFit WOD 180107 Tips With Rory McKernan

There is no need to modify the structure of this workout. Fatigue will become an issue as the rounds progress, so less fit athletes should decrease the number of rounds. Vary your intensity as the intervals change. When the work times are shorter, row harder.

Intermediate Option
On a 20-minute clock, 4 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

Beginner Option
On a 15-minute clock, 3 rounds of:
Row for 50 seconds, rest 10 seconds
Row for 40 seconds, rest 20 seconds
Row for 30 seconds, rest 30 seconds
Row for 20 seconds, rest 40 seconds
Row for 10 seconds, rest 50 seconds

Warm up-
4 Rounds
10 Push ups
10 strict presses
Run 200

Skill/Strength- Coach led
Power Clean Progressions
Work through 15-20 reps from the power, the knee and the shin)
Push Jerk Progressions
(work on your dip and drive)

(new athletes drill technique, experienced athletes use weighted progressions)

10 Minutes to build to a heavy power clean jerk, touch and go, double. Coach will set a 10 minute clock.

5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
7 L pull-ups
4 clean and jerks

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180106 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Pull-Up (L-Sit)
Chad Vaughn, 315-lb. Clean and Jerk

This workout should push your gymnastics skills and require you to lift heavy while metabolically taxed. Choose a more difficult pull-up option than you do when regular pull-ups are prescribed. Clean and jerk a load that is moderately heavy.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
7 kip-up L pull-ups
4 clean and jerks

Men: 135 lb.
Women: 95 lb.

Beginner Option
5 rounds for time of:
200-meter run
7 jumping hanging knee-raises
4 clean and jerks

Men: 75 lb.
Women: 55 lb.


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