Warm up- bike until 5 after no matter what time you get here.. early or late
We are going to get right into squatting so you have time to work up to your goal weight on back squats.
Warm Up
2 Rounds
15 Perfect wall squat with a 1 second hold
10 push ups.

Grab a bar and get to a rack. do at least 2 sets of of empty bar back squats. Slowly start building up to 80-85 percent of your 1 rep max. when you get there do
4 sets of 7
Your seventh rep of each set should feel extremely heavy.. close to a miss. this is meant to be heavy
New athletes we are going through 4 sets of 12 with an emphasis on technique


Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 chest-to-bar pull-ups
10 wall-ball shots
15 kettlebell swings

Men: 20-lb. ball, 1.5-pood kettlebell
Women: 14-lb. ball, 1-pood kettlebell

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CrossFit WOD 180607 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Wall Ball

This 20-minute AMRAP contains a high volume of reps. Reduce the weights and scale the movements to limit failure and avoid long breaks.

Intermediate Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 pull-ups
10 wall-ball shots
15 kettlebell swings

Men: 14-lb. ball, 1-pood kettlebell
Women: 10-lb. ball, 12-kg kettlebell

Beginner Option
Complete as many rounds as possible in 20 minutes of:
5 ring rows
10 wall-ball shots
15 kettlebell swings

Men: 8-lb. ball, 12-kg kettlebell
Women: 4-lb. ball, 8-kg kettlebell

Warm up-
5 minute row
Then 3 rounds
20 Pass Throughs
15 Overhead Sqaut thearpy squats against the rig

3-3-3-3-3-3 Overhead squats
If you are  experienced with this movement go heavy
5-5-5-5-5-5 If you are not experienced. Use this time to drill technique. LOW WEIGHT

Wod- **We want you to try for these overhead squats, even if its light weight. If you absolutely can not do them we will sub out front squats or back squats.

5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 overhead squats

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180605 Tips With Rory McKernan
• From the vault: “Nancy” WOD Demo
• From the vault: WOD 120603: “Nancy” Demo With Reebok CrossFit Velocity

This benchmark couplet is meant to be light and fast. Reduce the load on the overhead squat so you can perform all the reps unbroken and still run fast.

Intermediate Option
5 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
15 overhead squats

Men: 65 lb.
Women: 45 lb.

Beginner Option
4 rounds for time of:
400-meter run
10 overhead squats

Men: 45 lb.
Women: 35 lb.

Warm up- Start together at 5 after
8 minute Emom
Even minutes
6 burpees
Odd minutes 30 seconds bike

Grab a bar
0-2 Minutes 10 Front squats
2-4 Minutes 10 Power Position Power Cleans
4-6 Minutes 6 Hang position power cleans, pause in the catch then front squat
6-8 minutes 6 Hang position squat cleans


Hang squat clean 3-3-3-3-3-3-3 reps

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CrossFit WOD 180604 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Hang Clean

The hang squat clean is a good opportunity to practice full hip and leg extension, and speed under the bar. Ideally, each set will be as heavy as possible for 3 reps, but newer athletes should start light and slowly add weight as they are comfortable.

Wod-12 minutes
8 Dumbbell Thrusters
1 50m sled push
8 Toes to Bar (sub 10 knees raises or 15 sit ups


Warm up
3 Rounds
Run 200
20 Airsquats
10 Push ups

Review points of performance of a front squat
4×7 front squats, all working sets should be in the 80-85 percent of your max range.

Strength- Starting a short front squat cycle- Your weights for your working sets should be challenging EVERY TIME What is a working a weight? Its the weight you use after you completely warmed up and have slowly built up to that weight. An example.
4 sets of 7 front squat- If your goal is to do your 4 sets at 225 it might look something like
A few empty bar sets of 10, one set of 10 at 135, one set of 7 at 155, one set of 7 at 185, maybe another set of 3-4 at 205
THEN 4 SETS OF 7 AT 225.


Wod- *Its point 7 seven miles on the bike each round.. not 7 miles.

3 rounds for time of:
25 deadlifts
Bike .7

Men: 225 lb.
Women: 155 lb.

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CrossFit WOD 180603 Tips With Rory McKernan
The Deadlift

This is a medium-length workout. Try to keep moving with very short breaks. Reduce the deadlift load so you can complete each round in 3 sets or less and still push a good pace on the bike.

Intermediate Option
3 rounds for time of:
25 deadlifts
Bike .7

Men: 185 lb.
Women: 125 lb.

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
20 deadlifts
Bike .7

Men: 95 lb.
Women: 65 lb.

Sunday Funday at 10Am
Partner 12 days of Christmas


  • 12 KB Swings (50/35)
  • 11 Push Presses (95/65)
  • 10 Double Unders (30 singles)
  • -While one person is working the other person is performing a plank
  • -When one person is done with a round then you switch

3 min rest


  • 9 Partner Deadlifts (315/225)
  • 8 Partner Push Ups (this is where you both do a push up facing each other then clap hands at the top of the push up)
  • 7 Partner Wall Balls (20/14) (Throw the wall ball up, partner catches it. back and forth)
  • -Both people working at the same time

3 min rest


  • 6 Box Jumps
  • 5 db Thruster 50/35
  • 4 db Front Squats
  • -Partners Switch after one round
  • -While one person is working the other person is resting

3 min rest

For Time

  • Burpee ladder
  • 12-11-10-9-8-7-6-5-4-3-2-1
  • Person A does 12, person B does 11, person A does 10, person B does 9…


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