Warm up
2 Rounds
100m Run
6 Hanging Shoulder Shrugs (demo video)
6 Inchworms
6 Lunges

Strict Press 3@70% 2@73% 1@76% 3@73% 2@76% 1@79% 3@76% 2@79% 1@81%

5 Rounds:
6 Power Clean (Rx 175/115 Int 135/95 Beg 95/65)
7 T2B or 14 Knee Raises
8 Russian KB Swing (Rx 70/53 Int/Beg 50/35)
9 WB (20/14)
20 DU

“David Marshall” With a Partner 60 Min Cap
BUY IN-1 Mile Run Together
100 Box Jump Overs 30/24
120 Pull Ups
160 KB Swings
180 Push Ups
200 Air Squats
CASH OUT-1 Mile Run Together
****Run is with a 20/14 Med Ball
****10 No Push up Burpees Every Switch when you are switching partner for the movements.

8am Endurance-
30 minute Amrap
Minutes 1 through 10- accumulate as many bike cals as possible
Minutes 10 through 20-Accuulate as many rower cals as possible
Minutes 20-30 do an Amrap of 10 burpees and 200 meter run

9am Mobility

Teams of 2:
NOTE FOR WORKOUT. IF YOU DO NOT COMPLETE YOUR SHUTTLE RUNS IN THE 4 MINUTES CAP STOP Running at 4 minutes and do 45 minutes of cleans while you are supposed to be resting
35/25 Cal Row
35 10m Shuttle Sprints
Max Power Cleans 135/95

4 Min Rest

30/21 Cal Row
30 10m Shuttle Sprints
Max Power Cleans 155/105

Rest 4 Minutes

20/13 Cal Row
20 10m Shuttle Sprints
Max Power Cleans 205/145

Rest 4 Min
THEN 3 Rounds for time
30 Weighted Sit ups
50′ weighted lunge with dumbbell in each hand
50′ sled push
50′ HS Walk

Warm Up
2 rounds
400m Run 5 Pull Ups 10 Push Ups 15 Air Squats

Thruster Build to a Heavy Single or 5×5 Technique work

15 Min AMRAP
1 Rope Climb
6 Alt DB Snatches (70/50)
12/8 Cal Bike

*Night Classes- Special guest coach Jordon Garrison will be teaching all the night classes. He has surprise. There will be a snatch seminar for every class.

Warm Up
Minute 1-See The Light Sit ups
Minute 2- Heel Touches
Minute 3- Band Pull Downs
Minute 4-Mountain Climbers
All sets 30sec on 30 rest

00-3:00 Minutes
2 RDs
10 Push Press 95/65
10 Box Jump Over
Minutes 3-6
2 RDs
12 Push Press 12 Box Jump Over
Minute 6-9
2 RDs
14 Push Press
14 Box Jump Overs

1 374 375 376 377 378 540