8am endurance-
Run 800×2 with 2 minutes rest
run 1 Mile with 4 minutes rest
Run 800×2 with 2 minutes rest.
Faster pace than a 5k run on every interval

9am mobility

10Am partner wod
33 Minute Amrap
33 Wall Balls
33 Bike cals
33 Burpees
33 Rower cals
Run 600 together (where the sidewalk meets byrd street

Go to games.crossfit.com at 8pm to see tomorrows workout

All Thursday wods for the next 4 weeks will be cardio based and have an optional strength at the end because we want to be ready for The Open wods on Friday. Completely up to you if you want to do the strength portion or you want to save a little gas for the open.

Warm up-
First a plank contest in each class. We will stop at 5 minutes no matter what
everybody in class start planking at the same time. When you drop.. you are not done, just rest a little and try to hold it until the last person drops.
Do we have anyone that can plank for 5 minutes straight.
3 rounds
10 cals on the bike, 10 pull ups, 10 push up


4 rounds for time of:
25-cal. row
25 burpees

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Related content:
Rowing Course: Body Position
The Burpee

Reduce the calories and burpee reps so that the first round takes less than 4 minutes.

Intermediate Option
4 rounds for time of:
20-cal. row
20 burpees

Beginner Option
3 rounds for time of:
15-cal. row
15 burpees

Optional Strength.

Grab a bar and work on light sets of hang snatches. Coaches will help you out. Snatches will be in the open this year.

Warm up- 5 minutes row.. nice and easy
 2 rounds
90 seconds of wrist stretch
90 seconds of arm in a band stretch
15 Front squats with an empty bar, holding the bottom position with elbows high for 3 seconds

Strength Front squat-
6 sets of heavy 3’s start at about 70 percent and see how heavy you can go.
Get 2 or 3 warm up sets in before you jump into 70 percent

For time:
100 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 4 ascents
75 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 3 ascents
50 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 2 ascents
25 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 1 ascent

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Compare to 120710.

Rope-Climbing Techniques
• From the vault: WOD 120710 Demo With Rocklin CrossFit

Reduce the reps on the squat so that each round can be completed in only a few sets with little rest. Reduce or modify the rope climbs to something that allows you to keep moving throughout.

Intermediate Option
For time:
80 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 3 ascents
60 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 2 ascents
40 squats
15-ft. rope climb, 1 ascent
20 squats

Beginner Option
For time:
60 squats
4 rope climbs, lying to standing
45 squats
3 rope climbs, lying to standing
30 squats
2 rope climbs, lying to standing
15 squats
1 rope climb, lying to standing

Warm up-Run 800 with a wall ball (morning classes run 4X200 so we dont bring all the dirt in the gym)
40 partner wall balls, bounce it off the target to each other
Then 10 strict presses with and empty bar

Fran or Strict Fran or dumbbell fran (3 very different workouts, pick your poison)
Thrusters 95/64
pull ups **Ring row sub is 42-30-18

Pick the scaling that keep you moving. no band assisted pull ups today, switch to ring rows if don’t have your pull ups yet
This workout is meant to be fast. If you can’t do more than 5 strict pull ups without dropping stay with kipping.

** There will be plenty of time after class so try this with a partner
8 rounds (4 sled pushes each, 4 planks each)
1 partner sled pushes a heavy sled while the other holds a plank. switch every round

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