“Dougie & Leon”
400m Run w/Slamball
then 5 rounds
40 Slamballs
2 Tuck Jumps
40 Pull Ups
40 Power Cleans (135/95)
40 Push Ups
40 Shoulder to Overhead (135/95)
100m Run
Then: 400m Run w/Slamball

This Hero WOD is in memory of CPL Dougie Grant and LCPL Leon Smith.
CPL Dougie Grant died on 19 August 2011 when he was hit by a bullet fired by insurgents while trying to rescue civilians following an attack on the British Council building in Kabul. Despite the efforts of New Zealand and Coalition medics at the scene he died en route to Bagram Air Base hospital. He is survived by his wife Tina and two children, Jemma and Jaden.
LCPL Leon Smith was killed when he and other NZSAS personnel accompanied a group from the Crisis Response Unit including Interior Ministry legal officials, who were serving a Ministry of the Interior judicially authorised arrest warrant in a compound suspected to house suicide bombers. It is believed the intent of the insurgents was to conduct an operation in the Kabul region. In the early hours of the morning (Afghan time) on Wednesday 28 September 2011, as the group moved to the compound it was engaged by suspected insurgents. LCPL Smith was struck in the head by a bullet gravely injuring him, and he was medically evacuated to a hospital where he later died.