Warm Up:
2 Rounds 200m Run
10 Sec Wrist Stretch with Empty Bar (each)
10 Lunges
10 Barbell Shrugs

Strength Front Squat 6,6,6,6,4,4 75% for 6s 85+% for your 4s

*** you will have time between the strength and the wod to build up to your clean weight and practice technique

50 Hang Cleans For Time (205/155-185/135-135/95)

**Every Time The Bar Drops 10 Air Squats 5 Push ups

Core work
16minute EMOM
1-10 Scissor Kicks
2-30 sec Plank
3- 12 Heel Touches
4-7 V Ups

20 minute coach lead group snatchwarm up and lighter strength session.

10minute AMRAP
3 Snatches 185/124
3 Bar Muscle ups (sub 6 pull ups)
3 Box Jumps

Warm up:
2 Rounds
400m Run
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Air Squats

Strength: Bench Press 5-3-3-2-2-1-1(80-85-90/Max)

4 Rounds
20/15 Cal Bike
15 Sit Ups
3 Legless Rope Climbs (sub 3 climbs with legs or 7 rope pulls from the floor

Warm up skill work
12minute EMOM
1-15/12 Cal Row
2- 12/10 Cal Bike
3- 12 Burpees
4- 25 Doubles/40 Singles

Strength- Deadlifts
2 sets with very light weight
5,5,5, 3,3, 2, 2
80%, 85%, 90+%

12 Minute AMRAP
20 Pistols (sub 40 air squats)
16 HSPU (sub 16 push ups, 16 inverted push ups from a box, or 16 DB presses)
12 Burpees (Sub nothing)

Warm up
Group Dynamic 3 rounds
20 Air Squats
High Kicks (down and back)
Quad Pulls (down and back)
Arm Circles Forward and Back 1/2
One Arm Up One Down (down and back)

Push Jerk 5-5-5-3-3-2-2 65%-70%-75%

Between Push Jerks and the wod please warm up your overhead squat. For newer athletes there are several ways to scale this movement to get the most out of your workout

Wod For Time:
21 OHS (95/65)
42 Pull ups (42 jumping pull ups or 42 ring rows)
15 OHS
30 Pull Ups
18 Pull Ups

1 369 370 371 372 373 540