Just a reminder. Murph is this Sunday. Going to keep an eye on the weather. Some forecasts are saying 100 degrees (not feels like temp, actual temp)
Start early, drink lots of water, reconsider if you really want to wear a vest or just cut it in half. Don’t do something Sunday that is going to take you out for a week. With that being said, we are already planning a “midnight Murph” sometime in the fall when its cooler… and at midnight!
Also, this week will be a deload week for weights, so if you want to get some weightlifting in, come in Wednesday night.

Warm up
2 Rounds
10 Double Unders or Attempts
10 PVC Passthroughs
10 Air Squats

Strength and skill
Turkish Get Up Building in weight or working on form with both arms

Weight Vest Wednesday ** you DO NOT have to wear a vest, this wod is hard enough without it
VESTED 6 Rounds
9 Burpees
9 Box Jumps/Step Ups
9 Pull Ups
9 Thrusters (85/45)
9 Toes to Bar/Knee Raises **25 Min Cap

Just a reminder. Murph is this Sunday. Going to keep an eye on the weather. Some forecasts are saying 100 degrees (not feels like temp, actual temp)
Start early, drink lots of water, reconsider if you really want to wear a vest or just cut it in half. Don’t do something Sunday that is going to take you out for a week. With that being said, we already planning a “midnight Murph” sometime in the fall when its cooler… and at midnight!
Also, this week will be a deload week for weights, so if you want to get some weightlifting in, come in Wednesday night.

Warm up
3 rounds
10/7 Cal Bike, 10 Kip Swings, 8 Jump Squats, 5 Push ups

10 minutes to work on pull up or muscle up progressions

10-20-30-40-50-60 Wallballs(20/14)
6-5-4-3-2-1 Bar Muscle Ups

Scaling- 12-10-8-6-4-2 Pull ups/Ring Rows)
**** wall ball reps go up, muscle up or pull up/ring rows go down.

Just a reminder. Murph is this Sunday. Going to keep an eye on the weather. Some forecasts are saying 100 degrees (not feels like temp, actual temp)
Watch the facebook page for updates. Most likely going to do a “Hero Day” where you can choose whatever hero wod you want. We will definitely be time capping everything.

Warm Up
3 Rounds 100M Run, 10 PVC Pass Throughs, 10 Air Squats, 5 Inchworms

Conditioning 1- Death by slam balls… 20 minute cap. The first 10-12 rounds of this are a little boring but it get tough quick. See if you can make it to 20

Conditioning 2-
3 Rounds
100Ft Farmers Carry RX-70/50 INT-50/45 BEG 45/35
100 Ft HS Walk (scaling options will given by coach)
30 Goblet Squats RX-70/50 INT-50/45 BEG 45/35

“Pedro 66”
3 Rounds
22 Cal Row
22 S2OH (95/65)
22 Pull Ups
22 Back Squats
22 Sit ups
*****Cash Out-5 Push Ups

8am Endurance
Run option-
200×4 rest 60
400×4 rest 2 min
800X1 rest 5 Minutes
1 mile run

Option 2-Partner endurance
10 Min max bike cals
15 Minutes max distance empty sled push (each down and back counts as 1 rep)
10 minute max cal row

9am Mobility

10am Partner wod
200m Slamball Run (100 meter each, one run, one rest
30 Slamball Squats
20 Slamballs

Rest 3 minutes

7 minute AMRAP
100m Sled Push
12 Toes to Bar
REST 3 minutes
18 Russian KB Swings 70/55
80 Double Unders 25
KB Deadlifts

1 358 359 360 361 362 530