Run on time today, no dilly dallying. A lot of work to do
Warm up
100m Run
10 Push Ups
10 PVC OHS In Rig Slow and controlled
10 PVC Around The Worlds

Strength warm up-
3 rounds, 1 fast round together 2 on your own
7 Snatch grip high pulls
7 Power position power snatch
7 Hang position power snatches
7 Shin position full snatches

ST: Snatch
EMOM 15Min 1 REP EACH MINUTE, rest is also a minute, have your weights ready, you can share a bar if you want since its only 1 rep per minute.
60% 65% 70% REST 65% 70% 75% REST 70% 75% 80% Rest 75% 80% 85%

Wod – Partner wod
4 Rounds
40 Floor Bench press (RX-135/95 INT-115/85 Int2-105/75) *floor press if there are no benches available
30 Pull Ups
400m Run Together

****This is a partner Wod so you can spot your partner benching. Break the bench up evenly between the two of you!

Warm Up
200m Row
10 Lunges
30 PVC pass throughs
10 Lunges
200m row

Strength warm up 3 rounds, 1 as class then 2 on your own
Empty bar
7 Strict press
7 push press
7 Push Jerks
7 split jerk
Split Jerk 3-3-3-2-2-1-1-1 70%-75%-80%

For Time: 30 DB Snatches (RX70/50 INT-50/35 BEG-35/25)
15 Burpee Box Jump Overs (RX-30/24 INT-24/20 BEG-20/18)
20 DB Snatches
10 Burpee Box Jump Overs
10 DB Snatches
5 Burpee Box Jump Overs

Weight vest Wednesday. Don’t forget to purchase your amazing Train Harder patches. Only 25 available $9.

Warm Up
2 Rounds 12 PVC Good Mornings
10 Cossack Squats
8 PVC Pass Through
6 Ring Rows

2 Rounds Empty bar or light weight to get warm
10 clean grip high pulls
10 power position power cleans
10 hang position power clean
10 shin position power cleans

Then 20 minutes to slowly build up to a 2 rep touch and go max power clean

Kettle swings 55/35
Reverse Lunges with your kettle bell
300 M Row
Between Each Round AND at the end (3 rowing intervals total)

Warm up
2 Rounds
10 Air Squats
6 Burpee Broad Jumps
10 Kip Swings
6 Cal Bike

Skill- 15 minutes double under practice or if you have your doubles
-take attempts at max unbroken double under, write score on the board
OR if you have 100 unbroken doubles go for max unbroken TRIPLE unders.

20 Min AMRAP
400m Run
Max Unbroken Pull Ups

*Max pull ups means hang up on the bar and do pull ups as long as you can, when you drop, go run 400m.
this wod can be done with ring rows as well. Set yourself under the rings, feet way out in front you, to make a difficult ring row for yourself. Perform max ring rows until you have have to stop or let go of the rings, when you stop go run.

Warm up
Group Dynamic Warm Up- 2 Rounds
Air Squats
Hip Circles
Duck Walk
Arm Up/Downs
Across Body Swings

Strength-take 3 or 4 sets to build to your working weight of 80 percent, practice the timing of the tempo.
Tempo Front Squat 5 sets of 2
3 Seconds Down
3 Second Held in the Bottom
Drive up fast
80% of 1RM

Wod-Light and fast, keep moving the whole time, legs and shoulders should be burning. Same bar for all 3 movements.
12 Min AMRAP
4 Push Press
8 Sumo Deadlift High Pull
12 Front Squats (RX 75/55 INT 65/45 55/35)

1 355 356 357 358 359 530