Partner wod
1 Mile Run together
100 DB Snatches 50/35
400m Slamball Run together
60 Pull Ups
40 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Man makers 50/35….. 70/50 if you are feeling sassy.
Partner wod
1 Mile Run together
100 DB Snatches 50/35
400m Slamball Run together
60 Pull Ups
40 Burpee Box Jumps
20 Man makers 50/35….. 70/50 if you are feeling sassy.
Run row or bike for 45 minutes. There is only one way to build this kind of endurance…. by running, rowing or biking at a nice steady pace for a long time
9am Mobility
Partners: 35 Minute time cap
2 Rounds 100 Cal Row
80 Wallballs
60 toes to bar (sit up for a sub)
40 Box Jump Overs
Warm up:
6 Minute partner bike and plank hole
Partner 1 bikes for a minute
Parnter 2 hold plank as long as possible.
Grab a bar-
Go through this warm up with empty bar then slowly add weight to get to your starting weight. GET YOUR WEIGHTS READY FOR THE WOD.
15 Empty bar clean and jerk from the shin
15 empty bar snatches
15 empty bar thrusters
SCALE AS NEEDED- We will have several scaling options available based on your mile run time… if you are not running we will change it to a row.
0-10:00 1 Mile Run then Max C&J 135/95
REST 3 MIN 14:00-21:00
800m Run then Max Power Snatches 115/80
REST 3 MINS 24:00-28:00
400m Run then Max Thursters 95/65
Take you fitness outside the box or just relax for the day and get rested up for Friday when we return to normal hours.
Baseball game day. Here are today’s hours
Morning classes have normal schedule.
Night classes 4pm and shortened 5pm class ONLY. Gym closes at 5:45 sharp so our coaches and gym members that are taking the 5 can make it to the game on time.
Warm up
3 Rounds
200 M Run
5 Burpees
10 Lunges
Weight Vest (optional) Wedneday
25 Minute Amrap
Run 200M
10 Burpees
50 m sled push (share sleds) If sleds are full 50m walking lunge.
14 Single arm dumbell clean and jerks (Complete 7 on one side, then 7 on the other side)
Morning classes you might have a little extra time after class for this core blaster.
10 Minute emom
even minutes 30 second hollow hold
Odd minutes 15 weighted sit ups.