Warm up 20 push ups 50 Jumping jacks 3 Minutes run 50 jumping jack 20 Push ups
Barbell or dumbbell strength- 5 sets of strict presses- Weight and reps will depend on what weights you have on hand. Do five sets of presses to failure. Even with a single dumbbell you should be able to work to failure pretty quickly with strict presses.
Wod- 2 rounds for time: 20 minute cap 12 Burpees 12 DB Thrusters (6 each side) or barbell thrusters 95/65 12 Burpees 12 Power Snatch (6 each side) or barbell snatches 95/65 12 Burpees 12 Push Jerks (6 each side) or barbell push jerks 95/65 12 Burpees 12 Squat Cleans (6 each side) 95/65 12 Burpees 12 Overhead walking lunges no weight or weights
Warm Up- 3 Minute Run 3 rounds for time 5 push ups 10 pull ups or rows 15 squats
Strength- Barbell If you have access to bar lets go through 5 sets of 7 back squats OR front squats at about 70 percent. If you don’t have weights to get to 70 percent simply slow your reps down.. 3 seconds down, hold 3 seconds, 1 seconds up.
Dumbbell- one or two 5 sets of 7 to 12 reps. Dumbbell weights will generally be lighter. Use these as tempo squats. 3 Seconds down, 3 second hold, 1 second up.
Workout Dumbbell versions of Fight Gone Bad 3 Rounds, For Total Reps in 17 minutes 1 minute DB Goblet Squats 1 minute DB Sumo Deadlift High-Pulls 1 minute of squat jumps 1 minute DB Push Press (alternate whenever) 1 minute of 10m Shuttle Sprints 1 minute Rest ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________
Barbell version Empty bar back squats Sumo deadlift high-pull, empty bar Tuck jumps Push-press, empty bar 10m Shuttle sprints 1 minute rest
Warm up- 4 Rounds 200M Run 10 Overhead squats with pvc pipe or broom stick it’s time to start working on these overhead squats, you have time now. See the video below
“Nancy” DB version 5 Rounds for Time: 400m Run 15 Single Arm DB OHS 50/35 (Switch sides whenever)
*If you lack the mobility to complete the DB Overhead squat, you may do overhead lunges instead. *A lot of people who are not good at single arm overhead squats (like me) CAN do sinlgle arm overhead squats. Give it a try.
Nancy Barbell version 5 Rounds 400 M Run 15 Overhead squats 95/65
Extra work 3 Rounds 25 Sit ups 25 Russian Twists 60 Flutter kicks
Warm up 50 High knees 50 butt kicks 30 Pass throughs 30 good mornings 30 jumping jacks
Strength 5 sets 5 sets of 3 squats with a 10 second hold at the bottom. this will be challenging no matter if you are using a DB or Barbell. Keep it on the lighter side no matter what.
Today is a series of 4 minutes amraps with a minute break in between each Amrap. Be sure to download Smart Wod Time ap to help you out with timing these.
Wod DB Version or KB version 1.) 4min. AMRAP: 25 American DB Swings 45/30lb (Overhead) 15 Burpees Max 1-arm DB Snatches from the hang in remaining time. Rest one minute 2.) Same 4 minute workout, but DB Clean and Jerks from the hang in remaining time. Rest one mintue 3.) Same 4 minute workout, but DB Goblet Squats in remaining time. Score is the snatches, clean n jerks, and goblet squats added together. The other stuff is not included.
Warm up 3 rounds 200 M Run 10 push ups 20 Jumping jacks 10 lunges
Several versions of Fran to choose from below! No pull up bar needed, but if you have a pull up bar use it.
For Time: Dumbbell or barbell Fran 21-15-9 +DB or barbell Thrusters If you have a single dumbbell do a 1 squat clean, then alternating then left+right push press for every rep. see demo video. Pull-Ups (*Sub for a 400m Run if you don’t have access to a pull up bar, that’s 3 400 meter run)
Second Version, no run 21-15-9 Db or barbell thrusters-same options as above Bent over rows with dumbbell or barbell- Single dumbbell do 21 each arm, 15 each arm, 9 each arm
Rest 5-10min. (Should be pretty fatigued)
Not for time: (Split however you want) 100 Floor Press (50 each side) 100 Bent Over Rows (50 each side) *Make sure you get REALLY good and warm for “Fran.” You want to be moving all out and trying to get that done as fast as possible. If you have done Fran before and you want to make it harder, then try heavier DBs or do a 15min. AMRAP of the 21-15-9 rep scheme above. That way when you finish the 9 set, you keep going