You can use the outside area for open gym from 8-11
Register for other classes

8 am endurance
1 mile time trial

9am Open gym inside. Don’t run over into the 10am, go outside if you want to keep working

10am Rx is 95/65
Wod 1
7 Minutes
7 Barbell Thrusters
7 Pull ups

Wod 2
7 Minutes
7 snatches
7 Toes to bar

Wod 3
7 minutes
7 Clean and jerks
7 Burpees

Warm Up

3 Rounds
200 M run- High knees on the way out, butt kicks on the way back
5 Pull ups
5 Push ups

Take 15 Minutes to work on your cleans, you can work up to heavy weight if you like.


6 rounds for time
6 Pull-ups
7 Power Cleans, 135/95 lbs
6 Push Jerks, 135/95 lbs

Rest 2 mins between each interval.

***Score is total time included rest, work of a running clock. DO NOT cut your rest short.

Scale accordingly to try hit these times
1:05 or less per interval if you are an athlete that consistently goes RX

1:45 or less per interval as an individual if you are scaling back off the 135/95

Remove ego, embrace scaling. Be smart. Be safe. Support each other. Have fun, and post your results.

Two options today!
All Weightlifting working on snathces and back squats or two 15 minute metcons (Metcons will depend on weather. Looks like it might rain all day)

Option 1
Snatch 1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Use the heaviest weight you can for each set. Rest as needed between sets.

Back squats 5×5 working 10 to percent higher than last week


Option 2. all outside
Metcon 1
15 Minutes amrap
10 Burpees
50 Hammer hits on the tire
200 M Run with your hammer… Like THOR

Rest 5 Mintues
Metcon 2
15 Minutes
100M sled push
20 Cal bike


13 minute amrap inside
10 burpees
20 alt db snatches

Rest 5 minutes
13 minute amrap
30 Alternating weighted squats with 1 DB
20 DB hand clean and jerk, 10 each arm

Warm up
3 rounds for time
200m run
10 squats
10 pull ups

Do one round of 10 cals and 10 wall balls to get used to the wod
*take 5-10 minutes to go through some rowing and wall ball tips and tricks.

Wod is
19 Minute Amrap
19 Wall Balls
19 Cal bike or row or a 300 meter run (to the sidewalk and back)

*would really prefer you biked or rowed, ski erg also available for use
*bike will be the tougher of the two for most people.

Warm up
4 rounds
200 M Run
10 no push ups burpees
20 Jumping jacks

Strength Front Squats
5 sets of 5, take it light

Wod 3 rounds for time of:
50 Double Unders or 100 singles
25 sits ups
10 Clean & Jerks, 135/95 lbs

1 293 294 295 296 297 539