A reminder- Keep Social Distancing, 6 feet or more. ALWAYS. no exceptions. Don’t share equipment. Utilize the outside area.

If you are registered for a class, SHOW UP, no holding spots and then no showing. You are holding a spot from someone who might want to come to class. A lot of no shows last week.

Today is benchmark workout. we are going to do the workout first and the strength portion seconds. This will allow you to go all out on the wod.

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 steps of sampson stretch
200m run
10 push ups
5 pull ups

3 Rounds for Time
400M run
21 Kb swings 53/35
12 pull ups

5 by 6 sets of Push press.
This is just dip drive. 70 to 80 percent of your 1 rep max.

3 Short workouts today. Careful in the heat

7 Minute Amrap
14 single arm floor press (7 one arm, t7he other arm)
14 Pull air squats
7 Pull ups

Rest (no set rest, we will go when everyone is ready

7 Minutes Amrap
14 single arm hang clean and jerk DB, (7 each arm)
200m Run
7 Minute Amrap
d-ball and burpee ladder
1,1, 2,2 3,3, and on and on and on……………………

Gym is open for open gym for 8 to 10am. Outside are is open for open gym from 8 to 11am

Endurance at 8am
Classes run at 9 and 10

8am Workout
4×400 with a 2 minute rest between
2×800 with a 3 minute break
2×400 with a 2 minute break. try to match your first 400 times.

9am and 10am wod

10 Minutes Amrap
Row or bike for cals
Every minute on the minute 7 wall balls
*start with wall balls

Rest 3 Minutes

Wod 2- 10 Minute Amrap
Row or bike for cals (change machines)
Every minute on the minute 5 burpees
*start with burpees

Warm up
3 Rounds
10 good mornings with an empty bar
10 Empty bar front squats
10 Sit ups

Front Squat Every Other Minute on the Minute 12 Minutes (6 working sets)
6 Front Squats above 70 percent. this should be getting on the heavy side, challenge yourself.
*this is 36 moderately heavy squats in 12 minutes

3 Rounds
Minute 1 Max Wall Balls 30/20
Minute 2 Max toes to bar
Minute 3 Max Alt DB Snatches 70/50
Minute 4 Max Air Squats
Minute 5 Rest
*Score is total reps

Warm up
4 Rounds for time
Run 100 *speed up every time
10 lunges to get stretched out
8 squats

Cardio Day!
4 Rounds For Time
Row 500m or bike 30/25
25 Doubles or 50 singles
Run 400m
25 Doubles

**Might adjust this down for afternoon classes depending on the heat. Don’t over do it.

Floor press or bench with extra time. 5 sets of 5. Don’t share benches.

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