Warm up
3 Rounds
Run 200
10 Lunges
10 squats with a 1 second hold

Front squats
14 Minutes
1 set of 4 every 2 minutes (7 sets total- 28 squats total)
You should go moderately on this. There is time to recover. You will have time to warm up to good working weight

5 Rounds for time
4 Thursters 135/95
8 Hang power cleans 135/95
12 Front rack Lunges 135/95 (6 each leg)
40 Double unders

Motor Day

Warm up- 5 Minutes of Run, Bike, Row

Wod 1-
15 Minutes
20 Cal on a bike or Rower
30 Air squats
Run 200m

Rest 5 Minutes- Clean your machine

Wod 2
15 Minutes
20 Cal Row or bike
100m Farmer carry 70/50
10 Push ups

Rest 2 Minutes
800m max effort run

*whatever machine you use for wod 1 switch to a different machine for wod 2

Warm up
3 Rounds
5 pull ups
10 push ups
10 empty bar strict presses

12 Minutes
Every 2 Minutes perform 6 strict presses with a 2 second hold at the top

Weight vest Wednesday (Vest optional)
*make use of the outdoors, no crowding inside
20 Minute Amrap
Run 400m
14 single arm devil press 50/35
5 pull ups

Warm up-
Barbell specific warm up for snatch
2 rounds
Minute 1- 10 snatch grip high pulls
Minute 2- 5 Power position power snatches
Minute 3- 5 Hang position power snatches
Minute 4- 5 power snatches from the shin

Strength- use the next 20 minutes to build to a heavy power snatch or squat snatch

For Time
40 Power Snatches (135/95)
Every min starting with 0:00 perform 5 burpees

Pick a wall ball weight you can do unbroken

Warm up
3 Rounds
Run 200
10 push ups
5 Pull ups
5 air squats (1 and and 1/2 squats)
Demo below

Strength 5 set of 3— squats are 1 and 1/2 squats. Try to work in the 70 to 75 percent range

5 Rounds
10 Toes to bar or knee raises or 15 situps.
10 Double Dumbbell Thrusters (50s/35s)

1 282 283 284 285 286 539