8am to 10am can be used as open gym.
I will start wods at 9am and 10am for people who want to participate in class rather than open gym

8am Endurance Wod
Warm up with a 1/2 mile run
2×800 with a 3 minute break between intervals
4×400 with a 2 minute break between
4X200 with a 1 minute break between intervals


Wod 1
7 Minutes Amrap
Run 800m
In remaining time complete as many cleans as possible. 155/105

Rest 3 Minutes
Wod 2
7 Minutes Amrap
5 pull ups
10 push ups
15 Squats

Rest 3 mintes
Wod 3- 7 minutes
Run 800m
In remaining time do as many cleans as possible 155/105. (yes its the same as the first wod)

Rest 3 Minutes

WOD 4 Mystery Wod!
There is a wod 4, our only hint is to not slack on the first 3 wods

Warm up.
3 rounds
200m run
All with empty bar
5 good mornings
5 Romanian deadlifts
5 deadlifts from the shin

Work to a heavy 3 rep deadlift
Follow a rep scheme similar to this
7,7 (light) 5,5 (a little heavier) then 3 to 4 sets of 3 to find that heavy 3. Not going for a 3 rep max, just getting heavy weight on the bar again

3 Rounds for time
15 Deadlifts 225/155
Run 400 M
5 Muscle ups.

*Sub muscle up is 7 pull ups 7 ring or bench dips

Warm UP- 5 minute of run, bike or row
Weightlifting specific- time to work on some skills
2 Rounds
10 Snatch grip high pulls
10 Muscle snatch
10 hang power snatch
10 Overhead squats

Coach sets clock, you have to 20 minutes to work on power snatches over full snatches.

12 Minute Amrap
Burpee and Wall Ball Ladder 20/14
Do 1 burpee then one wall ball
do 2 burpees, 2 wall balls
… and on and on and on for 12 minutes
Score will be what round you got to plus the extra reps

so if you made it into 1 burpee of round 14 your score would be 14 plus 1. If you made it to round 14 and did 14 burpees and 10 wall balls your score is 14 plus 24.

Warm up

4 rounds
5 Pull ups
10 Push ups
15 Squats

Sweat session today. There’s no avoiding the bike!
Will split classes over 8 between the bikes and rowers. one group start on the bikes, one group start on the rower. It doesn’t matter where you start

Wod 1-12 Minutes amrap
12 cals (bike or rower)
12 Med Ball cleans 20/14

Rest 3 Minutes and wipe your machine down
Wod 2- 12 minutes amrap
12 cals (the machine you didnt use for wod 1)
12 Slam balls over the shoulder

EXTRA work
3 Rounds
1 Minute plank
1 minutes side plank right side
1 minute side plan left side

Warm up-
3 Rounds
5 pull ups (strict if you can, scale back from that)
10 push ups
15 Squats

10 Minute Emom
Even minutes 10 strict barbell presses
Odd minutes 30 Seconds plate hold overhead

14 minutes
6 Clean and jerks 155/105
8 pull ups
200m run

1 282 283 284 285 286 531