Warm up, 5 minutes of run, row or bike

How’s your deadlifts go yesterday? Take a little break from the heavy weights and go into suns out guns out training.

16 Minute EMOM (4 Rounds) *with a single DB
Minutes 1- 7 Curls each arm
Minute 2- 14 Overhead tricep extensions
Minute 3- 14 single arm floor presses
Minute 4- 45 seconds max effort sit ups *weighted if you want

Workout of the day – If you want to wear a vest, wear a vest
5 Rounds
7 Pull ups
20 med ball cleans
10 Push ups

Warm up-
4 Rounds
10 Good mornings
10 Rdls with empty bar
10 Deadlifts with an empty bar

Dead Lift
1-1-1-1-1-1-1 Working to a one rep max or as near to a 1 rep max as you want to be. Not everyone is comfortable deadlifting for a 1 rep max. Thats fine. Work on technique
If you are unable to brace probably and your form is breaking, set the ego aside and call it day. Rounded back, collapsing in the midline, hinging several times as your dragging the bar up your legs. don’t do that. if you have to break good form it’s too heavy

14 Minutes Amrap
12 Single DB hang clean and jerk (6 each arm) 70/50
12 Box step overs with your single DB (carry it how you want
200 M run

Barbell warm up
3 rounds empty bar
8 Thrusters
8 Hang clean and jerks
8 Power snatches
Coaches will go over movements

Strength. Coach will set a clock for 20 minutes
Pick one of the movements in the workout and work up to heavy sets of 3 or practice all the movement at a lighter weight.

Wod *lets pick up where we left off Friday! More weightlifting!
5 rounds for time of: (20 min cap)
9 hang power clean and jerks 115/75
6 thrusters
3 power snatches
Run 200m

Sunday Funday
Outdoor day (weather permitting)

Some people will have to start at one station. Others at another.
REst 5 minutes between wods and clean equipment off. Doesn’t matter what order you do these in

Wod 1-
10 Minutes
Row 10 Cals
20 push ups

Wod 2
10 Minutes
30 Alt Db Snatches 50/35 (pick you weight you can move fast)
200m Run

Wod 3
10 Minutes
15 Kb swings
15 Burpees

Something different. 2 mile time trial!

15 Minutes to warm up, stretch, get all your equipment ready and go over the movements with a coach
Clock for wod starts at :15 after
**next week we get that bikes and rowers out for endurance

9am and 10am Wods- Rest 5 Minutes between wods

Wod 1
12-9-6 reps, for time of: Squat Clean, 155/105 lbs Bar Muscle-up

Wod 2
5 rounds for time of:
5 Pull-ups
10 Push-ups
15 Air Squats
5 Push Jerks, 155/105 lbs

Wod 3
Complete as many rounds as possible in 7 mins of:
25 Double Unders
5 Hang Power Cleans, 155/105 lbs

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