Going to give your legs an extra long rest this week before we hit our next 5 by 5. Constantly varied right? We have been cooking our legs for the past 3 weeks.. we will be finding a new 5rm back squat monday. rest up

Warm up
3 Rounds
50 Single Unders
7 Empty Bar Front Squats
7 Empty Bar Push Presses

bench press 5 by 5

5 Rounds For Time
9 Thrusters 95/65
9 Pull ups
Run 200m

Extra work
Nasty bike work- you dont have to do this today but keep it in mind for next time you want to do something extra
1 Minute max cals, then rest 5 minutes
Next however many calories you got the first round thats how many seconds you get this round, so if you got 40 cals you get 40 seconds to attempt max cals.
rest 5 minutes.. how ever many cals you go last round you get that many seconds this round… so if you got 31 you get 31 seconds to attempt max cals

Keep going until you cant get 10 cals, then you are done. might be 3 rounds might be 6.

Warm up 2 Rounds
200M run
15 KB taters… who doesn’t like taters right? video below
Then (Coach led)
10 overhead squats
10 Power position power snatch
10 Hang power snatch
10 from the shin with the a squat

Strength is a little different today. Barbell cycling is important to get the most out of your workouts but its something we almost never “practice”
Strength today is
Every 4 minutes for 12 Minutes (3 rounds)
Round 1- Max unbroken Touch and go squat snatches at 50 percent of max
Round 2- Max unbroken Touch and go squat snatches at 55 percent
Round 3- Max unbroken touch and go squat snatches at 60 percent
*don’t put that bar down! When you put it down your set is over. example timing would be if you hit 1 minute of unbroken touch and go’s you get 3 minutes rest.. which will go by quick.
*scale to power snatch

For Time
20 Double DB Snatches
30 DB Box Step Overs
40 DB Front Squats
DB: 50s/35s
Box: 24/20

Target time will be 6 to 10 minutes. we will have a few under and a few over, that’s fine. to scale reduce the weight or box height to finish in the time range. Do a couple warm up rounds of 5,5,5 and time yourself. base your weights off that.

Hang out the gym after class? That’s great. Grab your buddies and hit this 20 minutes extra work piece. Nothing better than a foot race.

Every 2 Minutes for 20 Minutes 300m Run (start at the true 200m mark and run to the end of the fence)

Warm up
30 single leg rdls with a light KB
6 Min Amrap
10 Ring rows
10 step ups
10 squat jumps

Tempo Deadlift
10 Minutes every other minute on the minute
3 Tempo Deadlifts

12 Minute Amrap
5 squat cleans 155/105
7 Chest to bar pull ups
9 Box jump overs

Give this one some gas pedal but sustain your pacing: Don’t crash and burn
Target score would be 4 to 6 rounds with proper scaling
-Squat cleans should be light-moderate and allow for quick singles.
-Chest to Bar should never exceed 2 sets, or scale to chin over bar or banded pull ups
-box jumps can be step ups. you have a life outside the gym. be careful

For Time 18-15-12-9-6-3
HSPU Rest as little as needed between sets.
If you need to break up a set rest 1:30 and take longer break after the set is complete at the higher numbers

This can be done with push ups if you are still working on your HSPU

Warm up
20 Pass throughs
200 M Run
10 strict press
10 Push press
20 kip swings
20 Push ups

10 sets of 3 push press at approximately 70 percent. one set every 90 seconds

20 Bar Facing Burpees
Toes to Bar
Push Press 115/80lbs
20 Bar Facing Burpees

Scaling:The volume of both movements should be manageable in
unbroken sets, 2 at absolute most to maintain intensity. This is
meant be a near sprint where only the gas tank stops an athlete,
not a heavy barbell or excessive gymnastics volume.

Extra work
5 Rounds, dont avoid this
12/8 cals on the assault bike
Rest 2 minutes between sets

Try to get your cals in a sprint. this is a sub 40 second effort. If you aren’t yet to the 12/8 cals in 40 seconds adjust your cals down a little bit

Can you guess what we are doing today? Probably? Can you guess why?
Why are doing a 5×5 back squat cycle. Short answer TO GET STRONG
Long answer.
1. Its measurable improvement. If you had 5 pounds a week onto this 7 week cycle thats a 35 pound improvement on your 5 rep max.. even if you miss a week or two or stay the same a couple weeks you are adding 25 pounds onto your 5 rep max. Some of you already have.
2. To gain muscle. Literally nobody has ever told me they wanted to lose muscle. The more muscle you have the more fat you burn.
3. Time under tension is great for you physically and mentally. 5 sets of 5 at a new heavier weight every week is no joke. Training like this shows you that you can push yourself out of your comfort zone.
4. As a reset for everyone! How many times have you heard us say “do x sets of this for x sets of reps, make sure its heavy!” For newer people this is a first good dose of what heavy feels like. For our experienced people this is reminder of what heavy is supposed to feel like.
5. This movement is beneficial for every other movement we do
– I could go on and on about the benefits of squatting, but I have some 5×5’s to do

Warm up-
2 rounds
200M run
10 empty bar back squats
5×5 at 90 percent of your new 1 rep max
*side note, we do want you try for 90 percent every week. There might be a point where it’s not happening. All is not lost friends. At least try 90 percent for 1 set. you would be surprised. we can adjust down

Wod 1
Amrap 6 Minutes
Row 1000m then in remaining time as many KB swings as possible 70/53
*treat the 1000m under a sprint pace, you don’t want to be laying on the floor for 30 minutes after the row and get 0 on the kb swings.

*the squats and a max effort on the 6 minute wod should be more than enough work for today.

Wod 2 Optional
*wall balls can be done outside on the targets or the side of building if you don’t have time to finish this before the next class
Every 3 minutes for 12 Minutes
30 wall balls 20/14
200 meter run
*choose a wall ball weight you can do unbroken or close to unbroken.

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