Sunday Funday

The girls! on a running clock, with a partner

Grace, Helen, Karen

Split the work however you want, start the entire workout with an 800m partner run straight into

Grace 30 Clean and Jerks for time


3 rounds

400 meter Run (Run together)

42 Kettlebell Swings (1.5/1 pood)

24 Pull-Ups

Then Karen 150 wall balls

Teams of 4- waterfall style
1 Minute at each station for 10 rounds each total
1- Bike
2- Burpee
3 Ski
4 rest

9am wod with a partner

For Time (with a Partner)
200 Wall Ball Shots (20/14 lb) split
100 Toes-to-Bars split
50 synchronized burpees
25 Man makers how you want to split them

Wods below will be the wods for Friday Night Lights tonight, but if you can’t make it out (we really really really suggest you do, even if its just hang out) you can do the wods during class

Train Harder CrossFit Wod
Regular class times in the morning
We will run heats of 8 from 4 to 6:30 for Friday Night Lights

Wod has 2 scores
On a continuous 10 minute clock
Wod 1 (score 1) 7 Minutes Amrap
7 Thrusters 95/65
Hand Release Burpees over your bar
Rest 1 Minute then Immediately into wod 2 (score 2)
2 Minute max cals on the skier

Train Harder Barbell Club Floater Wod
If you are doing during class you will have time to get both wods done.
If you are coming to Friday Night Lights Floater can be done on the platform anytime between 4 and 6:30

6 Minutes to establish a 1 rep max of this complex without dropping the bar
1 Clean (power or squat)
1 Shoulder to Overhead (press, push press, push jerk or split jerk)
3 Front squats
1 Hang clean (squat or power)

2:00 T-Spine Mash/Extension on Foam Roller
Then, at an aggressive pace:
20 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Burpees to Plate
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Calorie bike SPRINT


Every :90 until you complete all 9 sets (13.5 minutes)
Split Jerk*
[email protected]%
[email protected]%
[email protected]%
*Must perform a 1-second pause in the catch before returning the feet back under the hips. Use the percentages as a rough guide, but overall focus on form vs. weight.

3 Rounds
:30 Max echo bike cals
Rest 4:30

The 4:30 rest is going to allow for an all out sprint each round. Your lowest interval is your score. This is 1:30 of work of 13:30 of rest. if you feel like you didnt get anything out of this you did it wrong.

3:00 C2 Machine, Increase speed every minute
10 Max height wall balls
30 Air Squats wearing glute activation band
10 max height wall balls
2;00 banded glute activation

Back Squat
5×5 @ 90% 5RM from test week
All sets are at the same weight.
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets.
The goal for the entire phase is to add roughly 2.5% or 5-10lbs to the bar every week.

Accumulate 8:00 in a lateral plank*
*After performing a max duration plank on both sides, perform 10 Barbell Good Mornings
15 Minute Time Cap

Feel: For Quality/Accessory

Pacing: Forever

Target Score: Complete 8 Minutes before 15 minute Cap

Firebreather Score: Complete 8 Minutes before 15 minute Cap


  • Lateral Plank (side plank): Reduce duration or do the lateral plank on your knees instead of the side of their foot. Athletes should be able to plank :45+, per side, on their first attempt
  • Barbell Good Morning: Should be light enough that 10 reps are never “hard”

Coach Focus: The barbell good mornings should be ultra light, encourage athletes to shoot for perfect hinging mechanics with a smooth speed rather than for maximal weight. Athletes go for max duration on one side, then immediately to the other side, and then perform their good mornings after failure on the other side. Recommend athletes start the next set on the opposite side, since most will hold for less time on the second side.

Additional Notes/Resources:

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