8am endurance
Remember this one…. nice steady pace
Teams of 3. all partners working at the same time. if we have more than 24 people we will switch it up a little bit.
1 person will be on every machine
13 minutes at ski, row, bike…
**if we have more than 24 people we will do teams of 4 and spend 10 Minutes at each station plus add a 10 min run

Solo Saturday at 9am

Warm up
Straight Through
20 A-Frame Toe Touches
20 Lunge and Reach
10 Inchworm + Push Ups
20/16 Calorie Row/Ski


AMRAP 3 Minutes x 6
5 Wall Walks
25 KB Swings 53/35lbs
Max Calorie Row or Ski in remaining time
Rest 3:00 Score is total calories.


  • Wall Walk: Should not exceed roughly :60 to complete, or the number should be reduced to 3 or 4 reps (or use the Open standard scaling option).
  • KB Swing: Should be 1-2 sets, ideally 1.
  • Row: Skiing works as well, but we are trying to maintain some level of grip/upper body element. Burpees also do nicely.

Coach Focus: One round alone will not provide the muscular overload stimulus, but the compounding effect of six rounds will. Coaches should ensure that the dosage is appropriate so that athletes can push though a bigger set of wall walks and rowers while still leaving 1+ minute on the clock for machine calories

2022 CrossFit Open starts NOW

go to games.crossfit.com to see the workout!!!!!!!!!!!

1:00 PVC Pass Throughs
Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
8/6 bike cals
6 Light Power Snatches
4 Lateral Bar Burpees

EMOM 10 Minutes 1 Power Snatch @ 70-80%

Bike Calories
Power Snatch 75/55lbs
Lateral Bar Burpees

Extra- run or row slowly 3000 meters.

Does today look a little easy.. it is, Friday is going to be tough!

Lat Smash 2:00 / Side
AMRAP 5:00
20 Goblet Lunges
15 Alternating DB Snatch
10 Strict Pull-ups/Ring Rows Max Double Unders in time remaining

EMOM 10 Minutes
2 Back Squats @ 70%+ Start at 70% and add weight as desired if it feels good.


AMRAP 10 Minutes
15 Double Unders
10 In-place Lunges
5 Chest to Bar Pull Ups

Competitor extra outside
3 Rounds
Row 500m
25 Wallballs 20/14lbs

3:00 Machine of Choice
3 Rounds
10 Single Arm DB Hand Clusters (Squat Clean Thrusters)
6 DB Facing Burpees
10 Kip Swings (Round 2 Hanging Knee Raise, Round 3 Toes to Bar)

Option 1)
Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes
1 Big Set of Toes to Bar (15-25 reps)
Option 2)
EMOM 10 Minutes
1 Set of Toes to Bar (8 reps or less)
**this is 80 toes to bar. you will probably be sore, dont be shy about scaling back today. open starts friday

4 Rounds
9 Devil’s Press 50s/35s
19 DB Thrusters 50s/35s

Feel: Muscular Overload/Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 10-16 Minutes

Firebreather Score: Sub-10 Minutes


  • DP: Should not exceed :90 in any round. 9 reps when fresh should be closer to :60.
  • DB Thrusters: Athletes should be able to perform 19 UB Thrusters with their weight when fresh, but may end up breaking these reps into 1-3 sets. More than 3 sets means the DBs are too heavy.

Coach Focus: This workout is meant to be a medium duration “slog” through two shoulder-centric movements. Coaches should work with athletes on the appropriate weight selection, which may require curbing some egos to ensure all athletes get the appropriate does. Prior to starting coaches should athletes how to involve their lower-body in both DB movements to help them stay moving. The compounding effect of both of these movements will add up quickly.

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