Weight Vest Wednesday!!!

20 Band Pull Aparts (perform 10 palms down, 10 palms up)
Alt. EMOM 9 Minutes
A. 6 Tempo Push Ups*
B. 8 Seated Box Jumps for explosiveness
C. 10 Calorie Air Bike
*Tempo to the ground, fast on the way up

Strength- This is going to burn
Every 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1 Max Set of Strict Press @45% of 1RM

Wod- For time
Wod starts with no vest-The oly lifts with a vest on are silly and promote bad mechanics
Perform a 20 Hang squat clean buy in at 135/95
Then- Throw your vest on and
Run 800M
40 burpees
Run 800M

Running clock! no dilly dallying with your vest

20 Shoulder Swimmers
4 Rounds
10 Burpees
25’ Duck Walk w/PVC held OH
10 Kip Swings

Gymnastics Retest- as many feet or as many reps as possible in 6 minutes of
Handstand walk (goal was 300 feet the first time)
or wall walks
or Db presses
Whatever you did 6 weeks ago

All walks performed in 25′ sections.
For Rx and Intermediate levels, athletes must complete 5′ sections at a time. For beginner variations, athletes may continue from the farthest point at which both hands reach.

15 Rounds
6 Overhead Squats 75/55lbs
2 Bar Muscle Ups

Feel: Gas/Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10-13 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-8 Minutes
–  OHS: Should always be 1 unbroken set, the weight will be tempting for many to go RX but coaches
must ensure they can perform that movement consistently at the correct speed. Scale to a front squat if overhead mobility is an issue
–  BMU: Should always be 1 set or scaled to 2-5 reps of the most challenging and consistent gymnastic
pulling option available to your athletes
Coach Focus: The stimulus is cardio for today’s workout but it will be a “gassy cardio” workout due to the large ROM and energy requirement it takes to perform these two movements. Furthermore, a quick
back-and-forth can create a very gassy feel for your fittest athletes. All athletes need a version that allows them to perform more than 1 round per minute. Push your athletes to transition quickly

Extra- to be done out of the way. Extra work was designed for people who can handle the volume and have 90 minutes of time to work on things. It’s not necessary as the hour is more than enough, but it’s here if you want that extra. Don’t do the extra if you havent done the regular wod. thats not how it works.

Squat Snatch*
Rest 1-2 minutes between sets
*Start around 60%

AMRAP 5:00 (Steady Pace)
10 Plate Ground to Overhead 45/25lbs Run 100m
20 Double Unders/Single Unders
20 Banded Goodmornings

High CNS Lift Retest Find a 3RM Deadlift
The goal is for athletes to pull their old 1RM for 3.

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Needed
Coach Focus: It’s finally here! Crank up the tunes, create the vibe and help your athletes turn their 1RM deadlift into a 3RM. One note – many athletes may want to pull a new 1RM instead of a 3RM. We get it, and we’ll leave that decision up to you coaches. One note: we have the CrossFit Total lined up for the end of BL-3, so a 1RM deadlift day is coming! One quick reminder for your athletes, it’s never worth pulling bad reps if that means they are risking injury. Getting injured is the opposite of getting fit.
Additional Notes/Resources: Deadlift Set Up Tips!

AMRAP 9 Minutes, in Teams of 2
Max Rep Burpee Sandbag Get Overs 40″ 50-150lbs*
*partners switch every 5 reps
–  Burpee Sandbag Get Over: Sandbag should allow for consistent reps, scale weight so that
your athletes can stay moving. If no sandbag is available, burpee clean and jerk at 135/95lbs is a suitable substitute.

Here is how you band a barbell to the rig to set up for this

Coach Focus: The set up for today’s workout is two athletes facing one another in the squat rack with the sandbag on the ground at partner 1’s feet. In the squat rack a pre-staged and secured barbell is set at 40” with one athlete on either side of the barbell. At 3-2-1-go, Partner 1 performs 1 burpee followed by 1 sandbag clean and toss over the barbell secured to the rack. Partner 1 performs 4 more reps of that movement before Partner 2 goes. While the non- working partner is “resting” they can assist in rolling the bag back into position for the working partner. Partner 1 performs 5 reps before partner 2 performs reps. Coaches should pair athletes up by fitness level so they can use the same sandbag or barbell. Two boxes at 20″ inch height could be used if banded together but be careful.

EVENT 3 From TB games
Teams of 3
30 Deadlifts + 30 Hang Power Cleans+ 30 Shoulder to Overhead
(Rx 155/105, Mast 35+ 135/95, Int/Mast 45+ 115/75, Nov 95/65)
Then…20 Deadlifts + 20 Hang Power Cleans+ 20 Shoulder to Overhead (Rx 185/125, Mast 35+ 155/105, Int/Mast 45+ 135/95, Nov 115/75)
Then…10 Deadlifts + 10 Hang Power Cleans + 10 Shoulder to Overhead (Rx 205/145, Mast 35+ 185/115, Int/Mast 45+ 155/105, Nov 135/95)
Cash-out:With any remaining time, athletes will complete as many reps as possible of
3 Sled pushes 25M
15 Gymnastics Reps
Athletes will have 11 Minutes to get as far as they can. Score is the total number of all reps at the 11 min cap.
Scaling Key
RX = 3 45 pound plates sled, Ring Muscle Up
Mast 35+ = 2 45 pound plates on sled, Chest to Bar Pull-UpInt

Masters 45 and novice
1 plate, Pull-Ups or ring rows

Wod 2 Murph prep session 2

For Time
Run 400m, then 5 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats Then,
Run 800m, then 5 Rounds of:
5 Pull Ups
10 Push Ups
15 Squats Then,
Run 400m
If you plan to perform Murph with a vest, wear one.
Post workout: Single Lax ball smash pecs and foam roll quads, glutes, and lats.

There are no regular classes NEXT Saturday. Come out to the Grand Opening if you want to get a wod in.

Waterfall style teams of 5- 10 rounds at each station for each person. 1 Minute each station

800m Run
then 4 rounds of both movements, alternating between the two
30 seconds on 30 off
Ring rows
Man makers

Wod 1
AMRAP 18 Minutes
Alternating Movements with a Partner 10 DB Bench Press 50s/35s
2 Rope Climbs
12 Double Dumbbell Squats 50s/35s

Rest 5
Wod 2
14 rounds (7 each) 1 minute row. Transition time counts so get on and off rower quickly

1 144 145 146 147 148 533