Sunday Funday

Teams of 2

Wod 1- 8 minutes to establish a max of the following
3 touch and go cleans (can be power or squat or a combo of the 2) has to be touch and go
Score is both partners total added up.

Wod 2- split work as evenly as possible
40 thrusters, 135/95

6 legless rope climbs

30 thrusters, 135/95

4 legless rope climbs

20 thrusters, 135/95

2 legless rope climbs

Scale by weight
Scale by rope movement – non-legless rope climbs, partial climbs or 3 rope pulls per 1 climb

Teams of 2 running. you go i go… if you absolutely do not want to run (you should be running though unless injured) you can do this on a rower
200 M (partner 1 goes, then partner 2 goes)
200 m
400 m

Warm up

Until 60/48 Calories are Completed Alternating Movements with a partner
10/8 Calorie Ski or row
Max Bear Hug Med Ball Squats*
*Partners switch when ski/row partner finishes

For Time with a Partner: alt rounds
50 Rounds, waterfall style (25 each) 10/8 Calorie ski or row
4 Sandbag Squats 150/100lbs

Coach led Positional Barbell work warm up

These “waves” as they are called are tough. Don’t miss them

Squat Clean and Split Jerk 3 reps @ 67.5%
2 reps @ 72.5%
1 rep @ 77.5%

3 reps @ 72.5%
2 reps @ 77.5%
1 rep @ 82.5%

3 reps @ 77.5%
2 reps @ 82.5%
1 rep @ 87.5%

Pick 1 of the following skills and practice as an EMOM for 10 minutes.
– 5-30′ HS Walk
– :05-:10 L-Sit Hold
– 1-3 Strict Muscle Ups
– 1-2 Rope Climbs
– 5-40 Double Unders
– :20 Squat Hold (mobility focus)

Steady 10 Minutes
8 Spiderman Lunges
6 Box Jump Overs, step down
8 Wallballs (lighter than workout) 400m Row/Ski/Run or 800m Bike
Goal is 10 continuous minutes of movement, increasing Machine Pace each round. All athletes should be sweaty and breathing by the end of the warm up

No strength today. Longer workout

AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 Wallballs 20/14lbs
8 Box Jump Overs 24″/20″
8 Burpees to 6″ target

Feel: Cardio Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10+ Rounds (2:00/round)
Firebreather Score: 15+ rounds (1:20/round) (can anyone EMOM this?!)
–  Wallballs: Should always allow for one unbroken set. Reduce weight not reps
to allow for unbroken sets
–  BJO: Open standard on these (must step down) Keep athletes jumping if
possible, if jumping is not safe for an athlete due to injury, scale to 200m row.
–  Burpees: ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
Coach Focus: Merry go round mix of movements. Goal should be to keep all unbroken throughout the workout. Use Open Box Jump Over standard of stepping down. Target score is 10+ rounds for everyone (2:00 per round) or more, however with all movements being highly accessible today is an OK day to let athletes push themselves a bit. With a lower skill day there should be plenty of time to fit a cool down and stretch after the AMRAP is completed.

2 Rounds rotating Every Minute: 1:
1:00 Row
2: 1:00 Handstand Hold/Free Standing Handstand Hold practice
3: 10 Light KB Taters…..whats a tater?

Every 2 Minutes for 10 Minutes- taken from the floor
3 Touch and Go Push Press AHAP Starting around 65-70% and building
*Bar taken off the floor, not the rack, the floor

Wod:For Time 5 Rounds
12 Dumbbell (or KB) Deadlifts 50s-80s

Feel: Gas/Muscle Overload Pacing: Reach/Sustain Target Score: 4-6 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-2:30
–  HSPU: Should not exceed 2 sets or reps should be reduced to as few as 5. If 5 reps
are not possible, scale to push ups
–  DB/KB Deadlifts: Should be as heavy as possible while sticking with the goal of 1 set
every round, but if things break down, 2 sets are OK as long as the rest is short.
Coach Focus: Today’s conditioning should be very short, short enough to run multiple heats in class if implements (DBs and KBs) are scarce. Before starting, coaches should remind athletes that even though this workout will be short, that doesn’t mean they should move poorly. Start, execute and finish each rep properly.

AMRAP 1 Minutes x 9
10 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs Max Toes to Bar
Rest 1:00

Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Reach
Target Score: :30 of Toes to Bar at the end of each round (7+ toes to bar/round) Firebreather Score: :30 of Toes to Bar at the end of each round (15+ toes to bar/round) Scaling:
–  KB Should remain 1 unbroken set. Scale weight not reps. Must not exceed :30 to
–  Toe to Bar: If an athlete cannot perform 7+ toes to bar in the remaining time, scale
to kipping knee raises and have athlete work on accumulate reps of the lower skill movement
Coach Focus: We are training efficiency and consistency in the toes to bar with today’s muscular overload stimulus. The direct interference that occurs between the KB Swing and the Toes to bar is on purpose. In the case that an athlete can perform 1 toes to bar but cannot link them, stick with the kipping knee raise with a kick to have them practice the consistency in their kip swing and kick.
Additional Notes: How to Coach the Toes to Bar

1 139 140 141 142 143 533