2:00 4-way Banded Glute Activation, 20 steps per direction,
5 squats after each direction 
On a 5:00 Clock
Row 500m
20 Front Squats with Empty Bar
Freestanding HS Practice in time remaining

EMOM 12 Minutes
1 Pause Front Squat
Pause for 2 seconds in the bottom of the squat.
Start around 60% and build each round.


3 Rounds
30 Wallballs 20/14lbs

Stimulus: Heavy Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: Athlete should start a weight that allows them to execute the full depth front squat, pause and stand without much difficulty. As they work through the EMOM the weight may increase to a heavy single, but the full depth and pause must remain consistent.

Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 7-12 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-7 Minutes
–  HSPU: Should not exceed :90 to complete any of the 3 sets. HSPU can be reduce to
as few as 10 reps or otherwise scaled to 3-5 Wall Walks or 1:1 DB Push Presses
–  Wallballs: Athlete should be able to do 30 consecutive reps, when fresh, with their
ball. Should never exceed 4 sets during this piece.
Coach Focus: The stimulus today is muscular overload so coaches can expect to see athletes breaking up movements in today’s workout, but those breaks should be strategic. Before starting the workout coaches should work with their athletes to get them using their hips on the HSPU to save their shoulders for the wallballs that follow. No athlete should exceed 12 minutes to complete their version of the workout.

1:00 Shoulder Swimmers
20 scap push ups
5 Rounds
6 S-Arm Devils Press
6/4 Calorie Air Bike

strength/skill For time
Push ups* Strict Pull Ups** 10 minute Cap
*Athletes comfortable with sets of 10 push ups should add a deficit of 1-4″.
**Athletes comfortable with sets of 10 strict pull ups should perform strict chest to bar.

AMRAP 10 Minutes
6 Devil’s Presses 50s/35s 1
10/7 Calorie bike or ski


60 alt hang db snatches for time with a heavier db than you are used to

3 rounds of
1 minutes banded glute activation
1 minute banded squats
1 Minute empty barbell back squat- add weight each round


Back Squat 5-5-5-3-3-2 Within
~1:00 after each set, perform 1 “Peak Wattage” bike sprint. Goal is to ramp the bike up to the maximal wattage you can attain, and then immediately stop. This should take :05-:10 at most – do not exceed :10.
Rest 3-5 minutes after the bike.
Start at 70% and add weight every set.
Goal: end at a heavy double or new 2RM
Post Squat Cool Down: Walk or bike slowly for 10 minutes, then foam roll legs.
If you are going to to do the extra, jog a little then do the extra then do the cool down

Post strength mandatory
Mandatory Cool down walk (5-10 minutes after final set)
Foam Roll or mash Quads, Glutes, Hamstrings
2 rounds
–  Couch Stretch 2:00/side
–  Pigeon Pose 2:00/side

Extra outside
5 Rounds
250′ Shuttle Sprint
Rest 3-4 minutes, enough to repeat similar effort Set up a 25′ length and go down/back 5 times.


Wod 1-
12 Minutes-split the work how you want
12 Thrusters 95/65
9 Hang cleans
6 Shoulder to overhead.
Run 200 as a team

Wod 2- 8 minutes
Row 1000 as a team
Remaining time do Clean and Jerks— 135/95

Wod 3- 9 minutes Split the work how you want
Bike 10 Cals
10 Burpees

Endurance- teams of 5
Back to a waterfall
10 rounds each
Switch every minute

warm up
Straight Through 20/15 Calorie Row
20 Kip Swings
20 Step Ups, unweighted
15 Kipping Knee Raises
20 Step Ups, light weight
10 Toes to Bar
10 Step Ups, workout weight
20/15 Calorie Row

Until 200/160 Calories have been completed.
AMRAP 2 Minutes
– (Buy in movement)
Max Machine Calories in remaining time
Rest 2:00

Buy In alternates each round between:
– 12 Toes to Bar
– 24 Single DB Step Ups 50/35lbs to 24/20″

Continue with 2:00 of work, 2:00 of rest alternating buy-in movements until 200/160 Calories have been completed.
8 Round Cap Any machine may be used, and athletes may rotate machines as desired.

Stimulus: N/A Rest: N/A
Coach Focus: N/A
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Feel: Cardio Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 8 rounds or less Firebreather Score: 6 Rounds or less
–  Toes to Bar: Should not exceed :45/3 sets.
–  Step Ups: Should not exceed 1 minute
Coach Focus: Coaches should push their athletes to hold aggressive paces on both the buy-in movements and the machine. Athletes should be told that 1:1 rest is coming and the faster they go, the faster they are done. Athletes should have roughly :90 in the rounds that start with T2B and :60 in the rounds that start with step ups. 2:00 of work and 2:00 rest is partially meant to make logistics easier if machines/equipment is limited.
Additional Notes/Resources: This workout is 2:00 of work, 2:00 of rest, where each new interval athletes are buying in with the opposite movement (e.g. on one round, athletes perform 12 toes to bar before moving to a machine. The next interval they perform the step ups before moving to their machine).
Feel: Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10-15 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-10 Minutes
–  SBC: Clean and Jerk 155/105lbs or Power Snatch 135/95lbs in sets of 5 (touch
and go or singles) is a comparable sub.
Coach Focus: This stimulus is extremely gassy and should hopefully allow for athletes the ability to steadily trade sets of 5 back and forth without major rest periods. Coaches need to be sure to not over scale the weight to maintain the “gassy” stimulus. If the barbell is too light athletes will reduce the gas stimulus and the workout will be less effective.
Additional Notes: N/A

Extra work
For Time with a partner
100 Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs
Must be done in sets of 5

1 134 135 136 137 138 533