➡️ Adult Weightlifting starts this Saturday at 9am! 👍🏽
➡️ Bro Sesh Saturday Night is this Saturday at 5pm. Feel free to bring food. It will be a great time. 💪🏽
➡️ Brooke Tate is a Doctor of Physical Therapy, USAW L2 coach, and Certified Strength & Conditioning Specialist. She will be available 7:30-9:30am to answer any questions you may have and provide FREE advice

Endurance 8am
Teams of 3
Run 1 mile together
4 rounds each of 250m row (alt through until each person has rowed 250m four times)
4 rounds each of 25 doubles or singles
Run 1 mile together

9am – CrossFit
Warm Up
2 Steady Rounds
20 S-Arm Russian KB Swing 53/35lbs
10 deadlifts, empty bar
:30 Dead Hang from Pull Up Bar
500m row or ski (whatever you are using for your workout

Build up to your deadlift workout weight
Then wod is

AMRAP 4 Minutes
250 row or ski
5 Deadlifts 315/225lbs
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
250m row or ski
7 Deadlifts 275/185lbs
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
250m row or ski
9 Deadlifts 225/155lbs
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
250m row or ski
11 Deadlifts 185/125lbs


On a 3 minute clock, accumulate Max time in the bottom of a Front Squat with a full grip in the bar
Run 100m
7 Empty Bar Thrusters
Run 100m
7 Empty Bar Thrusters
Run 100m
7 Empty Bar Thrusters
Run 100m

For 15 Minutes, practice:
2 Tempo Front Squats
The tempo is a 5-count to bottom, normal “bounce” and stand.
Start very light and add weight each set.

Wod For Time
12 Thrusters 95/65lbs
400m Run
14 Thrusters 95/65lbs
400m Run
16 Thrusters 95/65lbs
400m Run
18 Thrusters 95/65lbs

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 10-15 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-8 Minutes

  • Thruster: Should not exceed 3 sets at any point. Scale weight before reps, but
    avoiding going too light.
  • Run: No run should exceed 2:30 to complete or the distance should be
    Coach Focus: Today’s gassy couplet should have athletes pushing very hard on both movements (and
    yes, that means the run). Barbell weight should be something an athlete could do for 18 reps when
    fresh, but will obviously challenge them late in ld be pushing to failure on the
    final set of thrusters.

1:00 per arm Banded Shoulder Distraction
AMRAP 5 Minutes 10/8 Calorie Row
10 Alt. Hang DB Snatches (to the floor after round 1)
5 Push Ups

3 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Banded Strict Pull Ups 1:00 Rest
1:00 Max Rep Push Ups 1:00 Rest

Pull Ups: Use a band that allows for FAST reps. Athletes may start with a lighter band and increase
band thickness as needed.

Push Ups. Use a band if needed to allow perfect form and fast reps.

Ideally we are looking for 20+ reps per
movement per interval.

For Time
3 Rounds
18 DB Snatches 70/50lbs
18/14 Calorie Row or ski

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 6-8 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub-5 Minutes


  • DB Snatch: Should not be a “gimme” weight for athletes, multiple sets
    are ok for today’s stimulus. Should not exceed 1:30 to perform the 18 reps.
  • Row: Should not exceed 1:30 to complete the calories. Calories are 1:1
    with any other C2 Machine or 15/12 Calories on an AirBike
    Coach Focus: We are looking for an aggressive output from our athletes today. Athletes get one
    “free” set of heavy DB Snatches so before starting coaches should be sure to get their eyes on
    their athletes warm- up reps to ensure they have a DB that is neither too heavy nor too light.
    Then, once on the rowing machine to push the pace and try to outrace the “suck” (metabolic
    fatigue). Cr d get after it.
    Additional Notes/Resources:

Row, Bike, or Jog for 4:00
4-way Banded Glute Activation Steps, 20 per direction + 10 Air Squats Every 20 steps
2 rounds of:
10 Light weighted Cossack Squats 20 Russian KB Swings
10 Jump Squats (First round can be Air Squats)
:20 Hanging L-Sit Hold


Back Squat
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 3 seated box jumps for maximal power. Sit on a bench at approximately parallel and jump to a taller box for maximal explosiveness. if you are nervous about this movement sit on bench and jump and forward as high as you can with not box.
Rest 3-5 minutes after the box jumps.
Start at 75% and add weight each set, ending at a
heavy double or 2RM.
Goal: sets of 3 are slightly heavier than last week.
Attempt to hit the set of 2 you hit last week for 2
sets, or heavier (may go for 2RM if it feels good).

To cool down either do RomWod OR

Do a 3-5 slow row or bike
Pick 1-4

  • Pigeon Pose, 2:00/side
  • Couch Stretch, 2:00/side
  • Saddle Pose, 2:00
  • Dragon Pose, 2:00/side
    Foam Roll Quads, Glute, Hamstrings

Back at it today with a Hero Workout.
Lot’s of ways to scale, don’t miss the gym today! We want to see everyone here after this 2 day break

2:00 PVC Pass Throughs
3 Rounds
200m Run
10 Ring Rows
8 KB Swings
6 Push Ups
:30 HS Hold
Then, warm up Muscle Ups and HSPU and pick your progression that is going to work best for you on this

AMRAP 20 Minutes
2 Muscle Ups
4 Handstand Push Up
8 Kettlebell Swings 70/53lbs

The Nate WOD Challenge, first held in 2015, was created by Adam La Reau, founder of One Summit, to honor brothers Nate and Josh Hardy.  Nate was a Navy SEAL, Purple Heart recipient, and hero who lost his life in action; Josh lost his battle to childhood cancer. 

The Hardy brothers are also sons of One Summit founding board member, Stephen Hardy.

Credit: Courtesy of One Summit

The workout: The Nate WOD is a 20-minute AMRAP of two muscle-ups, four handstand push-ups, and eight kettlebell swings (two-pood).  

  • Because Nate hated to run, “he was the guy that carried everything,”writes Maria Papandreou of One Summit in an email, the WOD is “incredibly difficult and involves heavy lifting.”
  • The numbers – two, four, and eight – signify February 4, 2008, the day that Nate “made the ultimate sacrifice.”

Feel: Muscle Overload/Gas Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 10+ Rounds Firebreather Score: 15+ Rounds

  • Muscle Ups: Muscle Ups should always remain 1 set, but today is an
    acceptable day for athletes to take 2 sets. Modify to bar muscle ups or burpee pull ups, with the
    most difficult pull up option available being used.
  • HSPU: Ideally unbroken, but today is a good day to let athletes who can
    safely do HSPU reach a little bit. Modify to push ups or DB push press.
  • KB Swings: Should remain 1 set. Reduce weight before scaling reps. If OH
    isn’t available, modify to Russian KB Swings

Coach Focus: Today’s Hero WOD is high skill and long, so coaches need to be prepared with
appropriate versions of this workout for each athlete to ensure they hit the target stimulus. When
it comes to a Hero WOD, we like to allow athletes to struggle (to an extent) without creating major
sticking points that reduce the effectiveness of the workout. Coaches should be modifying each
movement and rep scheme to ensure all athletes hit the target of 10 rounds, but that they are
careful to not “over scale” the workout
and turn it into a cardio only workout.

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