Grab a foam roller to roll legs while Coach is going over whiteboard
3 Rounds
10 Jumping Lunges
8 Empty Bar Jump Squats
200m Run

Review Back squats points of performance and do 3×3 tempo back squats as a class

Back Squat
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 3 weighted vertical jumps for max power. Hold two light DBs (10-25lbs) at your side and jump upward as explosively as possible, landing softly.
Rest 3-5 minutes after each set of jumps.
Start at 80% or heavier and build each set.
Goal: both singles are in the 90-100%+
range (may go for 1RM if it feels good).

Cool down
Supine split
Lizard pose

2:00 Row (Increasing speed every 30 seconds)
:30 Hollow Hold
15 Empty Bar Push Press
:30 Superman Hold
15 Empty Bar Push Press
:30 Active Hang from Pull up Bar

Muscle up (or pull up, we will meet you where are at!) progressions
5 Jump to Hollow
5 Jump to hollow + kip
5 Jump to hollow + kip + knees to bar (knees up)
5 Jump to hollow + Kip + knees to bar + aggressively open hip and close shoulders (pull down on bar)

Every 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1 Max Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1-4 Bar Muscle Ups
Or reps of whatever pull practice you are working on

Grab your empty bars for a quick push press review then
AMRAP 1:30 Minute x 5
150m Row
8 Push Presses 95/65lbs
Rest 1:30
Pick up where you left off each round

We are going to go through a proper Deadlift and pull up warm (mostly deadlift) before starting this wod.
Warm is coaches choice

After warm up build to your starting weight. The workout is one of those challenges that Rogue puts out. You do not have to go rx unless you are actually signed up. Pick a weight that isnt going to destroy you.


21-15-9 Reps for Time
     Chest to bar pull-ups
RX Division Weight
     Men – 315 LBS (143 KG)
     Women 225 LBS (102 KG)

Scaled Division Weight
     Men – 225 LBS (102 KG)
     Women 155 LBS (70 KG)

Time Cap: 10 minutes

5 Minute Breat

Wod 2 Teams of 2-
14 Minute amrap, splitting work as evenly as possible
20 cals on bike or ski
20 shoulder to overhead 95/65 (think light and fast, 10 unbroken each)
10 Burpees

8am Endurance
Week 2 of the free trial of adult Weightlifting class continues this week. 9am! be there!!!!
9am CrossFit class with Coach Emily

8am Endurance
Teams of 3
Run 800 together
Complete 100 cals on a machine split how you want
Run 800 together
Complete 100 cals on a different machine
Run 800 together
Complete 100 cals on the last machine
Run 800 togehter

9am CrossFit Warm up
AMRAP 8 Minutes
15/12 Calorie Machine
10 Box Step Ups
8 Ring Rows
1 Rope climb

AMRAP 16 Minutes
12/9 Calorie Machine
2 Rope Climbs
12 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups
70/50lbs to 24/20″

Air Bike 3:00, increase pace every :60
Then 2 Steady Rounds:
12 Lunge + Twist Steps
20 Wallballs
:30 Dead Hang


Back Squat 5-3-3-3-2-1
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform 5 Medball Bearhug jump squats with 20/14lbs as explosively as
Rest 3-5 minutes after each set.
Start at 80% and add weight each set, ending with a heavy single.

**Goal: one of your sets of 2 is as heavy as last
week, and your single is at 90%+.

Pick 2 out of 4 of these

  • Pigeon Pose, 2:00/side
  • Couch Stretch, 2:00/side
  • Saddle Pose, 2:00
  • Dragon Pose, 2:00/side
    Foam Roll Quads, Glute, Ham strings
1 130 131 132 133 134 533