2 Steady Rounds
20 Russian KB Swings 53/35lbs
:20 Handstand Hold
5-8 Strict Pull ps or Ring Rows
200m Air Bike

3 Rounds
1:00 Max Rep Ring Rows
:30 Rest
1:00 Max Strict Ring Dips
:30 Rest
Ring Row: use a difficult that allows for a set of 15+ to start.

Ring Dip: must be able to perform 5+ perfect strict reps to start, otherwise perform bench dips or
push ups.

Goal is the same or more reps th t 2 weeks
ago with less rest between sets.

AMRAP 7 Minutes
50′ HS Walk
20 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 70s/50s

Stimulus: Stamina Rest: As Prescribe

Coach Focus: Today we are doing a slight audible on the pressing/pulling gymnastic with two
different pressing/pulling movements being used. Note the scaling advice in the workout cell to the
left. As with all of the other weeks, focus is on QUALITY not merely “checking the box”.
Additional Notes/Resources: 2 Ways to Scale Ring Dips
Feel: Muscle Overload Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 3-5 Rounds Firebreather Score: 7+ rounds

  • HS Walk: Reduce to as few as 10’ of HS Walking or scale to 2-4 Wall Walks, using the CrossFit
    Open standard
  • DBL DL: Looking for a weight that is challenging but can be done in 3 sets or less for the whole

Coach Focus: Should be a fairly quick back and forth where most athletes’ shoulders will be the
limiting factor. Target score is 4+ rounds for everyone, and 7+ for the fittest (faster than EMOM).
Deadlifts should be able to be done as 1 set, but athletes may break it up strategically. Scale HS
Walks to 2 wall walks or reduced distance, but for athletes who cannot walk proficiently, they
should perform wall walks. Today is not a great day to o practice HS Walking – either
they HS walk or wall walk.

5:00 Row, air bike, or jog @ Easy-Moderate Pace Then
3 Rounds
5 Strict Hanging Knee Raises
50’ Empty Sled Run (don’t sprint – move quickly)
15 Air Squats w/ Glute Band around knees

Back Squat 3-3-2-2-1-1
Within ~1:00 after each set, perform an 80′ Empty Sled Sprint.
Start at 80-85% and add weight each set.
Goal: all three singles are 90-100% (may go for 1RM if it’s feeling good)
This is the second to last back – retest will
be NEXT week, not in week 7!

Pick 1-4

  • Pigeon Pose, 2:00/side
  • Couch Stretch, 2:00/side
  • Saddle Pose, 2:00
  • Dragon Pose, 2:00/side then,
    Foam Roll Quads, Glute, Hamstrings

2 Rounds
100 Single Unders
10 Kip Swings
10 Squats (light sandbag or light DBs on R2) 5 Strict Pull Ups
10 Squats (light sandbag or light DBs on R2)

Option 1
30 Bar Muscle Ups in as few sets as possible Rest no more than 3:00 between big sets

12 minute cap

Option 2
15 Bar Muscle Ups in as few sets as possible Rest no more than 3:00 between big sets

12 minute cap

Option 3
EMOM 12 Minutes
1-3 Bar Muscle Ups, r Assisted Bar Muscle Ups
(band, jumping, etc)

**Read scaling options!!!!!!
Every Minute until 80 Sandbag Cleans have
been completed, alternating minutes with a partner:
10 Pull Ups
Max Sandbag Cleans 150/100lbs in remaining time
14 minute cap

Stimulus: Stamina

Rest: No More than 3 Minutes
Coach Focus: We are looking to help our athletes improve their efficiency in this movement,
regardless of which track they slot into. Coaches should help their athletes pick the correct
option. Option 1 should be athletes who can consistently hit 7+ Bar Muscle Ups. Option 2 should be
athletes who can consistently hit 4+ bar muscle Ups. Option 3 is for everyone else.
Additional Notes/Resources: Teaching the Bar Muscle Up Kip
Feel: Gas Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 11-14 minutes (5-7 Sandbag cleans/minute) Firebreather Score: Sub-10 Minutes (8
sandbag cleans/minute)

  • Pull Ups: Should not exceed 2 quick sets, or :20 at most. Reduce to as few as 5 reps
    or scale with ring rows or jumping pull ups. Avoid bands due to the slow transition.
  • Sandbag: Should allow for consistent reps, but should keep athletes in the 4-8
    reps/minute range. If SB are not available modify to clean and jerks at 135/95lbs.
    Coach Focus: With today’s alternating workout, when it’s the working partner’s turn to move, they
    need to be moving quickly. Pull up should not exceed :20 of work , leaving
    :40 per round for the SB cleans. On the sandbag it’s critical that athletes move consistently so
    they do not “blow up” after a few s up by fitness to ensure both partners get a challenging

In teams of 4 (Pair off)
Pair 1- 400m Farmers carry, switch as needed (50s/35s = RX)
Pair 2- Max Burpee Box Jump overs, Switching every 3 reps.

*When the Farmer’s carry pair is finished, switch stations and continue until each pair has
completed each
station once.

AMRAP 25 Minutes in teams of 4, alternating full rounds
6 Burpee Box Jump Overs 30/24″
30′ Sled Push, Heavy as F&%k

Feel: Gas

Pacing: Controlled Send
Target Score: EMOM or Faster (per athlete) Firebreather Score: EMOM or Faster (per athlete)

  • BBJO: Reduce box height before reducing reps. Should not exceed :30 to
    complete each round
  • Sled: If sled is unavailable an extremely heavy farmers carry makes a
    comparable scale but may require additional distance if weight is limited. Alternative would be an
    8/5 calorie bike sprint instead of sled push – something sprintable.

Coach Focus: The team element of today’s work is to ensure a high metabolic output on every single
round. Athletes should be instructed to HAMMER their turn in both movements. We recommend pair
athletes up by fitness level on the box/sled so the logistics are easier.
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A

20 Slow Cossack Squats (10/ Side)
AMRAP 5 Minutes (Steady Pace) 10 Lunge Steps*
100m Run
10 Lunge Steps
5 Empty Bar Clean and Jerks
*After round 1, add Empty bar front rack

Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1 Tempo* Front Squat + 1 Front Squat
*3-second count on the way down (no pause in the bottom)
Start at a moderate weigh and build if
mechanics remain sound.

10 Rounds
3 Clean and Jerks 135/95lbs
10 In Place Lunge Steps (BW)

Stimulus: Techniqu

Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: The tempo squat that starts each set will help curb athlete egos and ensure that the
barbell stays in the moderate-weight-range across your athlete’s sets. As your athletes build in
weight, ensure that the tempo cadence does not change to allow for more weight on the bar. One
phrase Coach Sherb likes to use to help athlete understand “why” we ask for moderate weights and a
high adherence to points of performance is because “skill unlocks your strength”. Move better, not
Additional Notes/Resources: N/A
Feel: Cardio Pacing: Reach
Target Score: 5-8 Minutes Firebreather Score: Sub 5 Minutes

  • Clean and Jerk: athletes should be able to perform touch and go reps at their
    barbell weight, but at a minimum, weight must allow for fast singles.
  • Lunges: Should not exceed :30 to complete the 10 steps. Air Squats can be used a
    substitute if single leg work does not allow for full ROM.
    Coach Focus: Metcon should allow athletes to move at faster-than-EMOM pace. Lunges are unweighted.
    Barbell should go touch and go with
    other athletes performing fast singles.

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