2:00 Glute Activation Steps 
200 m Run
20 Front Rack Walking Lunges w/empty bar
200 m Run
20 Duck Walk Steps

Front squat review with a PVC- 3 sets of 3

:15 after start the Strength
Find 1 rep max Front squat
You will have 20 minutes. Coach will start a 20 minutes clock. when time is up, time is up
Start with a 5-7 reps of light weight for a few sets, jump to moderate weight for 2 or 3 reps. Continue on with heavy single until you miss or your technique starts to break down

For Time
30 Deadlifts 95/65lbs
30 Hang Power Snatches 95/65lbs
30 OHS 95/65lbs
30 Bar Facing Burpees
Target Score: 8 Minutes
10 Min Time Cap
*target scores and time caps are put in place to help you get a BETTER workout.
Break this down, you are looking at 2:15 per movement to finish this wod and achieve the correct stimulus which is to basically stay moving, with moderate to moderately light weight the entire time. Most will get stuck on the overhead squat.

Cool down
Couch Stretch
Wrist Stretch

Warm Up
3 Rounds
6 Plank Transitions
8 Ring Rows
8/6 Calorie Row
6 KB Swings

Gymnastics restest
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Max Rep Strict Pull Ups
Rest 4:00
AMRAP 3 Minutes
Max Rep Push Ups

 AMRAP 15 min
You go – I go
50’ Single KB OH Walking Lunge 50/35
250M Row
Between each round 15 Syncro KB Swings
One partner will perform 50 foot OH lunge and a 250 row- then both partners perform 15 syncro KB, then partner 2 will go
*pick a weight on the kb where you can lunge mostly unbroken the entire time and do 15 unbroken kb swings.
**good example of a workout where by scaling you will achieve a better a workout AND more importantly hit the intended stimulus.

Cool down
Thread the needle and frog stretch

*Remember that the hour time limit is a factor in your CrossFit total. All 3 lifts need to be done within the hour to get a true CrossFit total number. This was not meant to go over an hour.

We are starting lifts by :10 after

Warm up
:20 ankle pumps each ankle
:20 stretch ankle on rig
:30 Hip Flow (sitting on floors, knees bent, bring both knees towards one side of his body until they both touch the floor ultimately working on internal rotation of one leg and external of the other.)

THEN 2 Rounds
10 Goblet Squats
5 Empty Bar Strict Press
5 Empty Bar Backs Squats
10 Empty Bar Goodmornings
5 Empty Bar Deadlifts
*May add weight second round*


CrossFit Total

Using 3 attempts sensibly for each max lift AFTER athletes have warmed up to weight needed. Recommend starting the warm up at a moderate weight, small sets 3-5 reps.

Sum total of each max lift: (In this order)

Back Squat (This will serve as the retest for the 1RM Back Squat)

Strict Press


How should athletes split their time?

Back Squats – 15 min

Strict Press – 10 min

Deadlift – 15 min

Warm up
3 rounds
Run 200
5 squats empty bar
5 power cleans
5 push press

Wod 1- 8 Minute Amrap- Teams of 2- split work as wanted
10 Pull ups
16 Push ups
24 squats
You will have 5 minutes after this wod to warm up to your Macho Man weight. each partner can have their own bar, but cant h

Wod 2- 16 Minutes EMOM
Macho Man complex
3 power cleans 185/135
3 Front squats 185/135
3 Jerks 185/135
**Partners will alternate rounds on this emom so you will end up doing 8 rounds each. If the clock catches
you, you went to have heavy. adjust and get back on pace.

Wod 3-
12 Minutes max cals
On a machine of your teams choice perform max cals alternating every minute
*the catch? perform 2 burpees each every switch
Transitions need to be fast, rower should be last choice of machine for any team.

Don’t forget today is the last day for a Free trial of the adult Weightlifting Class at 9am!!!

8am endurance
Teams of 2- For meters. Depending on the amount of people we will have to start on different machines, but we would like everyone to end on the run
14 Minutes- Row or ski for meters, switching every 250- both partners 2 burpees on the switch- then
14 minutes – row or ski for meter, switching every 250- both partners 2 burpees on the switch-then
14 minutes- run alternating 200m sprints- both partners 2 burpees every switch – keep track of how many sprints you did between you because that is added to your meters score

9am Crossfit
Warm upOn a 7 Minute Clock
Run 400m
30 Jumping Lunges
20 Empty Bar Push Press
Max Bar Facing Burpee in remaining
time @ Forever Pace


AMRAP 4 Minutes x 5
10 Bar Facing Burpees
20 Shoulder to OH 125/85lbs
Run 300m (200 plus back to the dumpster once)
Max Bar Facing Burpees in remaining time
Rest 3:00

1 127 128 129 130 131 533