TB games Practice at 11am
Endurance at 8am, CrossFit at 9am
Adult Weightlifting at 9am

8am endurance – teams of 2
12 Minutes max cals on each machine. Doesn’t matter what machine you start on
At 36 Minutes both partners will take off for an 800m- ish run. At the turn around there will be a truck parked with sandbags in- Partners grab 1 sand bag and head back. Every time you switch the sandbag on the way back you each do 3 burpees.
*if you wanted to keep score or race another team. First team back gets 100 cals added to the score, 2nd gets 90, 3rd gets 80… and so on. 10+ plus teams each team 10 place and beyond gets 10 cals.

9am CrossFit
Coaches choice warm up

AMRAP 6 Minutes
4 Bar Muscle Ups
8 Line Facing Burpees
12 A-Jumps 12″
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 3 Minutes

Whats an A-jump. I remember a lot of you got pretty sore from these
Team Misfit Gyms on Instagram: “The A-jump is a cool twist on the good old squat jump, providing added metabolic demand and leg burn. Hunter and Sherb show you how to set…”

Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 8-12 Rounds
Firebreather Score: 14+ Rounds

  • Bar Muscle Ups: Reduce reps (to as few as 1) to allow for 2 fast sets at
    absolute most each round. If Bar Muscle Ups aren’t an option, scale to
    the most difficult pulling gymnastics movement available
  • Burpees: ¯_(ツ)_/¯
  • A-Jumps: Reduce the height of the jump and/or elevate the seated
    position to allow for “easier” jumps, but only if absolutely necessary
    Coach Focus: In today’s metcon athletes will resume where they left off
    with the goal of holding a pace of 1 round every 2 minutes, or faster. Most
    athletes will start much too fast so we recommend a practice round
    before starting to calibrate their working speed.

Warm up:
Straight through
5 Inch Worms
25 Single Unders / Doubles
10 A-Frame Toe Touches
25 Single Unders / Doubles
15 Banded Good Mornings
25 Double Unders / Doubles

Review Rope Climbs
Then in teams of 3
10 Minute amrap max rope climbs

Based on skill level, teams decide whether
athletes perform 3, 2, or 1 rep at a time.
Scale: Rope Pulls

Deadlift review
then warm up to your deadlift weight

:30 WOD:
For Time
4 Rounds
100 Double Unders
25 Deadlifts 135/95lbs
Target Score: 15 Min
Double Unders: Should not exceed 2:00 in any round. For athletes without
Double Unders, 100 single unders is the scale.

Deadlifts: Should not exceed 1:30 to complete in any round.

:55 Cool Down

Warm up:
2 Rounds
15 air squats with band
:10 bike sprint
5 bear hug jumping squats
:10 bike sprint
10 wall balls
:10 bike sprint

Back Squat review
3×3 empty bar back squats
Hold 2 seconds at the bottom, string drive up
Create a shelf! Produce tension on the barbell, shoulder blades pulled together, pull down on bar
Core engaged PRIOR to removing bar for rig
Knees rotate externally >> engages glutes
Set your feet by “grabbing the floor with feet”
From the bottom of the squat drive through the floor to stand
Knees and hips extend at the same time

Build up to your 70 percent then we will start at clock

:25 Strength:
Every 4 Minutes for 16 Minutes (4 sets)
5 Back Squats
Begin at 70% and add weight each set, ending
with a very heavy or maximal set of 5.

Wod- Easy right?
:45 WOD:
For Time
50/35 Bike Calories
Target Score: 3 min

Cool down- Saddle, single leg pike

Have athletes foam roll lats and back
With feet on rower seat
-10 Knee tucks
-10 Pike ups
Row 150M
KBS light weight
Hollow Rocks
:30 L-Hang from bar

Review wall walks

Wall Walks
Head tucked by ears in “pike” and throughout skill
Body stays stacked throughout skill.
Efficiency >> Try to take big “steps” with hands
Same # of steps each rep
Last hand to the wall, first one to move on the way out

At :15 after

15 Skill:
EMOM 8 Minutes
5 Burpees to 12″ target
1-5 Wall Walks
Choose a number of wall walks that you can
repeat every round with speed.

Review wod movements

:30 after WOD:
For Time
KB Swing 53/35lbs
Toes to Bar
Calorie Row
Target Score: 15 min
Time Cap: 20 min
*Tips –
Toes to Bar: Should not Exceed 2:00, 1:30, 1:00 to complete in the 3 rounds.

:55 Cool Down:
Twisted Cross
Seated Cross Shin Pose

arm Up:
2:00 Band Pull Aparts
(White Board)
2 rounds
10 Burpees
2 Wall Walks
100 M Run
:10 Review:
Grab an ab mat if needed
Ideally, wrist and shoulders stacked
Head behind hands(loaded back and closer to the wall) creating a tripod
Strict HSPU
Move with intention, Keep your body stacked and compact, Tight core, Chin tucked

Kipping HSPU
From a handstand – squeeze but and belly
Tripod position
Bottom of kip – upside down “squat” knees out, feet close

Coach lead clean warm up!

:20 after

On a 30-minute clock:
From 0-20:00
AMRAP 20 Minutes
10 Strict HSPU
10 Hang Power Cleans 135/95lbs
Run 200m
Rest 2:00 between rounds
From 20:00-30:00
Find a 1RM Hang Power Clean

Strict HSPU: Should not exceed :30 to complete, scale to kipping HSPU, or DB
Strict Press
Hang Power Cleans: Should not exceed 2 sets to complete

Target score is 4 plus rounds, scale accordingly

Cool down, half straddle on each leg

1 125 126 127 128 129 533