All running
***the exact distance doesnt matter. we are running to a point and turning around.
this is partners. you go and i go
8×200 (to the fence, 4 each person, you go i go)
6×400 (to the old 400, 3 each. you go i go)
2×800 (to the old 800, 1 each)

Weightlifting at 9am

Crossfit at 9am
AMRAP 6 Minutes Alt. Rounds with a partner
3 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs w/ S-DB*
10 Wall Balls

For Time, Alternating rounds w/ a partner:
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs 50s/35s
50 Wallballs 20/14lbs
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs 50s/35s
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs 50s/35s
30 Wallballs 20/14lbs
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs 50s/35s
20 Wallballs 20/14lbs
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttle Runs 50s/35s
10 Wallballs 20/14lbs

1 Shuttle Run = 25′ out and 25′ back

Parter 1 performs 6 and 50,
then partner 2 performs 6 and 50.
Then P1 performs 6 and 40,
then P2 performs 6 and 40, etc.
So you will have lots of rest so treat your section as short spring workouts

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain/Reach Target Score: 18-25 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-18 Minutes
–   Shuttle Run: Reduce the loading if necessary, but be cautious about over
scaling the movement. Only substitute shuttle runs in the instance of injury. Scale is 300m Row
–   Wallballs: Shouldn’t ever exceed 3 sets.
Coach Focus: Athletes should be able to perform their 5 shuttle runs unbroken every round other than maybe the final 2 rounds. Overall, 5 shuttle runs should not exceed :75 at absolute worst, but should be closer to :50-60. Athletes need a wallball they can perform 30 reps with unbroken when fresh.

Friday September 30th
OPEN GYM FROM 8am to 10am. The workouts are the Friday Night Throwdown workouts!

Still Planning on Friday Night Throwdown is tonight from 5pm to 9pm

Volunteers and staff only after 11am. No open gym after 11. Competitors and most volunteers will start showing up around 3pm.

Friday 9/30 Warm Ups AMRAP 5 Min

5 Push Ups

10 Jumping Air Squats 5 Burpees

10 Jumping Air Squats

:10 Bench Review

Knuckles UP for your bench press!

Upper back and Glutes maintain contact throughout the skill.

:15 Strength:

Find a 1RM Bench Press

:40 WOD:

For Time 40-30-20

Bar Facing Burpees

Wallballs 20/14lbs

Rx Bar Facing Burpee: “jump” is required over bar. Meaning both feet off the ground at the same time.

Scaled Bar Facing Burpee: Stepover allowed.

Time Cap: 12 Min

Target Score: Faster than/more reps than test week. If this is an athlete’s first

time, goal is to finish both 30/30. You should feel GASsED.

:55 Cool Down

Childs Pose w/ hands on bench
Knees to Chest

Thursday 9/29

We are still closed today. Keep checking here and on the facebook group. we are planning on opening as soon as possible.
Regular workout posted below, but here is an home workout.
5 Rounds
10 Push ups
10 Burpees
20 Squats
rx plus is 20 alt pistols per round

Warm Up 400m Run

5 Strict Pull Ups

1 Rope Climb (Rope Pull) 200m Run

5 Strict Pull Ups

1 Rope Climb (Rope Pull)


>> Seated / Learning Feet Grab the rope

Make an X with shins

wrap the feet and make the pinky toes touch

SAVE YOUR ARMS! Lean bar, bring knees HIGH/ to the chest in “pull”, when standing extended hip to the rope.

:15 Barbell Review

5 Snatch Grip High Pull (Pow. Pos.) 5 Power Position Snatch

5 Hang Snatch

*Work up to WOD weight*

:25 WOD

On a 26 min running clock:

AMRAP 16 Minutes, alternating rounds with a partner:

10/7 Calorie Air Bike 1 Rope Climb

10 Hang Power Snatches 100/70lbs then,

From 16:00-26:00

Find a 1RM Snatch


Hang Power Snatch: Should not exceed 2 sets in any round, ideally 1 set Rope Climb: Should not exceed :20 to climb the rope.

Bike: ~ :45 to complete

:55 Cool Down
Double Flat needle

Wednesday 9/28
WE ARE CLOSED. We will open ASAP.

check back for details. we are planning on opening friday mid morning for a couple hours, then closing up at 11 and getting ready to host the friday night throwdown.

If you have equipment at home i will leave this posted.

Warm Up 2 Rounds

10 Cal Ski

10 Burpees

10 Air Squats

:10 Empty Barbell Review w/ Coach 5 Front Squats

5 Pow Pos Clean High Pull 5 Power Position Clean

5 Hang Clean

5 Squat Clean

:15 Strength:

Every :30 for 10:00 (20 reps)

1 Squat Clean

Sets 1-5: all performed with a Tempo Pull

Sets 6-16: build to a heavy but perfect clean (no tempo pull)

Sets 17-20: reduce weight and finish with 4 perfect reps

:35 WOD:

For Time 30-20-10

Calorie Row (at home workout sub burpees)

Front Squat 135/95lbs (at home workout sub squats with some kind of weight.. a bag of dog food? anything you can find will work)

*50′ HS Walk after each set (3 total)

Target Score- Sub 14 Min


Front Squat: Should not exceed 3 sets

Row: Should not exceed 2:00/1:30/1:00 to complete. HSW: Scaled to 3-4 Wall Walks

***row equivalents

Run (road): 300-250-200m Ski: 1:1 (proficient skiers)

:55 Cool Down:
Childs Pose

Warm Up:

200m Row

6 Box Step Ups 200m Row

6 Box Step Ups 200m Row

Stright in to Skill >>>>>>

:10 Skill:

Coach led warm up

Ring Dip

  • 10 Push Ups
  • 2x :10 Ring Support Hold
  • 3-5 Ring Dip Negatives
  • 1 set of Ring Dips

HSPU (Wall, Box or DB Strict Press)

  • :20 HS Hold
  • 3-5 HSPU Negatives
  • 3-5 HSPU

:30 WOD:

“The Grind Side”

AMRAP 16 Minutes, climbing the ladder

2 HSPU (Wall, Box or DB Strict Press)

8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

2 Ring Dips (Banded, Push Ups)

8 Box Jump Overs 24/20″

Add 2 reps to both the HSPU and Ring Dips each round. Box jump overs do not change in reps.

:55 Cool Down: Thread the Needle Couch

1 115 116 117 118 119 533