Wednesday 10/26

Warm Up

8 Cal Ski
10 PVC Pipe Pass Throughs
10 Banded Pull Aparts

 *Barbell Review for Snatch*

:15 Strength

Every 1:30 Minutes for 12 Minutes (8 sets)
2 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches
Drop and rest between reps
START no heavier than 50 Percent of your1RM Squat Snatch. Add weight is movement is flawless.


L-Sits on box or parlette’s

Both knees


One knee bent, One straight

Both legs straight out

Handstand Walk or Wall Walks

:40 WOD

For Time

Accumulate 2:00 in an L-Sit Hold

 Every break, perform a 10-50′ HS Walk

 15-minute cap

*pick and lsit variation that allows athletes 10 or 20 seconds of l-sit. for the handstand walk pick a variation that allows for about the same effort as the l-sit (10 to 20 seconds) that might be a shorter handstand walk, a handstand hold or a double DB overhead hold

Cool Down



Tuesday 10/25

Warm Up

50-foot Duck Walk


2 Rounds

5 Beat Swings (kips) with tight hollow and arches

5 LIGHT DB Squats

5 Scap Push Ups

5 Tempo Pull Ring Rows (3 seconds up, 3 seconds down)

5 LIGHT DB Squats

:15 Strength



1 Big Set of Front Squats Each Round

Rest 3:00 between sets

 R1: 80%

R2: 75%


:40 WOD

AMRAP 4 Minutes X2

12 Double DB Front Squats 50s/35s

8 Chest to a Bar Pull Ups


Continue where you left off for the second AMRAP after the rest.

Target Score: 5-7 Rounds


DB Squats: Keep to 1-2 sets for all rounds. Reduce loading before reps.

CTB Pull Ups: Should never exceed 3 sets. Reps may be reduced to as few as 4, but if that still is not enough, scale to chin over bar pull ups or ring rows. Avoid banded pull ups.

Cool Down


Childs Pose

A $25 Rogue Gift Card will be given away in every class today

Warm Up

50-foot Crab Walk

20 Spiderman Lunges

20 A-frame Toe Touches

50-foot Bear Crawl

:10 Skill

Arch and Hollow Positions

:30 hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
:30 sec hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
:30 sec hollow hold with legs extended straight up
:30 sec hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully
:30 arch hold

Beat Swings and then some! (Can’t pull up yet? Do beat swings and work on positions)

10 Beat Swings

(3 sets) 2 Beat Swings + Pull Up (Chin over bar or as high as you can pull)

(3 sets) 2 Beat Swings + Chest to Bar (Or as high as you can go)

(3 Sets) 2 Beat Swings + BMU

Remember your LAT activation. Actively push down on the bar in your hollow.

Maintain STRAIGHT legs in both the Arch and Hollow

:30 WOD

Mystery Workout!

4 rounds

1 minute max reps of a pulling movement

1 minute max reps of a barbell movement

1 minute max reps of a pushing movement

1 minute rest

Sunday Funday

Wod 1
10 Minutes split how you want
6 pull ups
12 push ups
18 Squats

Wod 2-
14 Minutes
30 Wall Balls
30 Burpees
200 M farmer carry 2 dbs or kbs. 50ish/35ish
Both partner go on the farmer carry walk, one partner carries both weights, switch as you want

Wod 3-
6 MInutes to find 1 reps max of
1 clean
1 front squat
1 hang clean
1 front squat.

Endurance… this is about 40 minutes of work with not rest… that falls into the steady state cardio. control your pace
Teams of 4
Each team starts with 5 minuntes of alternating sandbag cleans
Then go into a 30 minute waterfall amrap of
Bike SKi
Then cash out it is 5 mintues of sandbag cleans
**each teammate starts on a machine, one starts on the run. Switch stations when the person gets back from the run

9am CrossFit

For Time, teams of 2, split anyhow: 30 Shuttle Runs
60 Thrusters 95/65lbs
30 Shuttle Runs
60 Hang Power Snatches 95/65lbs
30 Shuttle Runs
60 Handstand Push Ups
30 Shuttle Runs
12 Rope Climbs
1 shuttle run = 25′ out AND back

35 minute time cap
Coach will help with scaling. we are looking for partners to split the work evenly and use weights/skills where they can get a moderate amount of reps in before switching with partner.

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