NO MORNING CLASSES BECAUSE OF THE STORM. we will keep you posted about afternoon classes.

Warm Up

3 Rounds
:15 Second Bike Sprint
10 Walking lunges
5 Box Step Ups

Moving in to >>>>

:30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
:30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
:30 Hollow hold with legs extended straight up
:30 Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully
:30Arch hold

2 Beat Swings
2 Beat Swings + Pull Up (Chin over bar or as high as you can pull)

:20 Skill
Every Minute for 5 Minutes
1 Smooth set of gymnastic kipping pull-ups
Focusing on the hollow and arch positions.

:30 WOD
For Time
6 Rounds
10 TTB
8 Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge Steps 50/35lbs
15 Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
8 Single Dumbbell Overhead Walking Lunge Steps 50/35lbs

Target Score: 12-14 minutes

Toes to Bar: 1-3 sets. Scale reps slightly or perform TTB as high as each athlete allows or hanging knees raises
S-DB OH Walking Lunges: Front Rack DB Walking Lunges
The box jump overs should be step-downs per the
Open standard.
:55 Cool Down
Bike cool down today! Jump on a bike and complete a 5 min stroll.

Warm Up
3 Rounds
200M Run
6 Push Ups
12 Banded Air Squats
10 Unbroken Wallballs

:15 Strength
Back Squat
Start around 70-80% and look to build each set and end with a heavy single.

Remember to drill in those points of performance. Here are a few coaching cues if you want to add a little spice.

:40 WOD
Since the rest is 4 to 6 minutes and we have 10 ski ergs (most classes are larger than 10 people) this is a good wod to partner up on and have someone count your burpees for you

2 Rounds

24/18 Calorie Ski

20 Line Facing Burpees

Rest 4-6 Minutes to send it again

Target Score: Sub 3:00 per round

Tips >> This is meant to be a full send effort x2. Athletes shouldn’t pace either

movement and should come off the ski and immediately start their burpees.

The rest is long enough for most athletes to recover mostly enough to give

close to the same effort.

SKI TIP >> Think splashing into the pool. Pretend you are in waist deep water and “splash”.

You’ll notice you’ll get on to your toes, arms above your head. Your chest will fall first, and your arms will follow second. SO Get TALL, then send hips back, chest falls and then there is follow through with the arms. Give it a try!

:55Cool Down


Figure 4

Tuesday 11/8

Warm Up
This is the last week before re-test week

2 Rounds

400 M Run

10 Empty Bar Front Squats

10 Burpees

:15 Strength

Squat Clean

1×3 Power Position

1×3 Hang, at knee

1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Cleans


Squat Clean

3 @ 65%

2 @ 75%

1 @ 85%

3 @ 70%

2 @ 80%

1 @ 90%

3 @ 75%

2 @ 85%

1 @ 95%+

The final single is optional and there to allow athletes to attempt a new 1RM if it’s feeling good. May only make an attempt if all previous lifts were successful.

Cool Down

Twisted Cross


Monday 11/7

Warm Up

 Barbell Positional Work

Snatch Grip High Pull

Power Position Snatch

Hang Snatch


5 Second Pull Tempo Pull Squat Snatches


3 Rounds

2 50-Foot Shuttle Sprints

5 Burpees

5 Empty Bar Squat Snatch

:15 Strength

Every 1:30 Minutes for 12 Minutes (8 sets)

2 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches

Drop and reset between reps

> Starting no heavier than 50% of 1RM. May increase in weight each round.

:30 Review

Pistols and Scaling Options

Sumo Squat

Normal Squat

Narrow Squat

Pistol (starting from the bottom of a narrow squat, then extending one leg at a time and standing. Try both sides)

Traditional Pistol

*Athletes may grab the toes, use the rig for assistance, “toe tap” forwards, backwards etc., curtsy pistols etc. for scaling options.

~ :40 WOD

AMRAP 12 Minutes
10 Pistols
6 Farmer’s Carry Shuttles 50s/35s*
Rest :30

*Farmer’s Carry is performed in 50′ Shuttles

(25′ out 25′ back)

Pistols: Less Reps as low as 6 reps (based on skill level),
Goblet squats, Air Squats for beginners
Farmer’s Carry Shuttles: Lighter Weights, Smaller Shuttle distance
Target Score 5+ Rounds

:55 Cool Down



Sunday Funday

Warm up- Coaches Choice
Two Wods Today, but one is 25 minutes long

AMRAP 25 Minutes, alternating rounds with a partner:
4 Burpees
8 KB Swings 70/53lbs
12 Wallballs 20/30

Rest exactly 5 Minutes and get your bars ready. you can start warming up with weight in this 5 minutes.
Both partners have 8 minutes total to find 1 rep max of this complex
Hang Clean
3 Front squats

If you you hang squat the 2nd movement that doesnt count as 1 of your 3 squats

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