Coach Lead Warm Up

Wod 1
12 Minutes Alternating rounds with a parter
5 Pull ups
10 push ups
15 squats

Rest 5
Wod 2- 24 Minute Amrap
30 Wall Balls Split how you want
20 Cleans Split how you want 135/95
400m Partner rope run
at 10 minutes add weight on the bar to 185/125

8am Endurance
Teams of 4-No rest on this one, switch

Start with 5 Minutes of alternating sandbags over shoulder
Then 30 Minute Amrap of
Partner 1- 200 M
Partner 2- Burpees
Partner 3-Ski
Partner 4-Rest
*everyone will start on a station including one a rest. rotate stations when partner 1 gets back from the run
Cash out with 5 Minutes of alternating sandbag cleans

Coaches choice warm up

20 Rounds (10 each) **Alternating full round with a partner
7 Chest to Bar Pullups *scaling-pick a pulling movement where 7 reps can be finished each round in 1 to 2 set
10/7 Cals
12 Dumbbell Lunges 50s/35s *scale to lighter weight or single DB in the front rack position

Warm Up

Run 400m
10 Strict Press, empty bar
30 Jumping Lunges
10 Push Press, Empty bar
10 Scap Pull Ups
10 Push Jerks, empty bar
10 Kipping Knee Raises

:20 Review
Toes to bar

:30 Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
:30 Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
:30 Hollow hold with legs extended straight up
:30 Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully

:30 Arch hold with arms straight by ears, glutes tight and feet together


2 Beat Swings  

Beat swing + Feet to target with partner

(Increasing height each rep)

:30 WOD

Conditioning Retest

AMRAP 20 Minutes

4 Shoulder to Overhead 155/105lbs

6 Toes to Bar

6 Shuttle Runs*

*1 Shuttle Run= 25′ out and 25′ back

Target Score 10+ Rounds


– Shoulder to Overhead: Scale to weight that always allow for 4 unbroken STOH


– Toes to Bar: Should allow for 1 set for most of the workout, but never more than

2 sets at any point.

– Shuttle Run: Only scale in the case of injury. A 12/9 Calorie C2 Machine or 10/7

calorie air bike is a comparable scale.

:55 Cool Down

Double Flat Needle Twisted Cross

Thursday 11/17

Warm Up
2 Rounds
12 DB Goblet Lateral Squats
10/8 Calorie Air Bike/Row (HARD)
12 Jump Squats
10 Push Ups w/ a Twist

:10 Strength -you have A LOT of time to get through this so don’t rush
Find a 1RM Pause Back Squat
Full 1-second pause in the bottom.

:45 WOD

For Time
20/15 Calorie Bike
20 Bar Facing Burpees
20/15 Calorie Row

Target Score: Sub 5 Minutes
Bike/Rower: If you are without 1 of these two machines, substitute with a 300m
Run or have athletes repeat the same machine after burpees.

Coach Focus: We are looking for a short, very uncomfortable sprint workout to end
class today. All athletes should have a version of this workout they can finish in
under 6 minutes.

:55 Cool Down



Warm Up

2 Rounds

200m Ski/Row

10 Plate Ground to Overhead

The Burgener Warm Up

:15 Strength This should be light
Every :30 for 10:00 (20 reps)
1 Squat Snatch
Sets 1-5: all performed with a Tempo Pull
Sets 6-16: build to a heavy but perfect snatch
(no tempo pull)
Sets 17-20: reduce weight and finish with 4 perfect reps

:40 WOD


For Time

30 Snatches 135/95lbs

Target Score: 4-8 Minutes

Snatch: If snatching presents an issue due to injury, scale to “Grace”, or

30 squat cleans (if overhead is not available to your athlete).

:55 Cool Down

Thread the Needle

Childs Pose

1 105 106 107 108 109 533