THERE ARE NOT 5am or 6am Classes today. Gym opens at 9am!!!

FRIDAY 11/25

Warm Up

With a Partner, for 10 minutes

Partner 1: Calories on Bike

Partner 2: Holds a Plank

Switch stations every 30 seconds

:20 WOD

Every 5:00 for 30:00 (6 rounds)
18/15 Calorie C2 Bike
12 Bar Facing Burpees
Score is total working time from each
interval added together. thats a lot of adding, have fun with this one and dont worry about your score.

Target Score: 1:45-2:15 per interval


– C2 Bike: 15/12 Calorie Air Bike or 1:1 with any other C2 Machine

– BFB: Only reduce reps if athletes are unable to complete before the 2:30 mark of

each working window.

:55 Cool Down


Figure Four

Today is the DAY. One class only!!! Get here by 7:45am,
The Bill Sheehan Turkey Sandwich 5k starts at 8am sharp.
John and Mich are bringing the turkey sandwiches. Bring what you want to drink

Warm Up

3:00 Machine

Then 3 Steady Rounds

25’ Duck Walk

3 Explosive Broad Jumps

10 Unweighted Box Step Ups

15 Doubles or Singles

:15 Strength

EMOM 15 Minutes

1 Tempo Pause Back Squat

Start no heavier than 50% and only

increase weight if mechanics are sound

and full depth is achieved. (Half squats equal half results)

Tempo/Pause: 3-seconds down, 1-second

pause, stand up fast.

:35 WOD

10 Rounds
30 Double Unders
8 S-DB Step Ups 70/50lbs to 24/20″

Target Score: Sub 12 Minutes

Double Unders: Should not exceed :30 in any round or should be

modified to :30 of single unders.

– Step Ups: Reduce box height before weight. Use the heaviest weight

and highest box that allows athletes to stay unbroken.

Time Cap: 15 Minutes

:55 Cool Down

Downward Dog (Flat feet to stretch the back of ankles and legs)

Childs Pose

Warm Up

3 Rounds

1:30 Row (first :15 Sprint)

15 KB Swings

10 Banded Good Mornings or with PVC

:10 Skill Work

:30 hold at each position

Hollow hold with feet tucked in and arms reaching forward toward feet
Hollow hold bringing knees toward chest arms still extended
Hollow hold with legs extended straight up
Hollow hold while slowly transitioning to legs and arms extended fully

Arch hold with arms straight by ears, glutes tight and feet together


:60 Of Gator Rolls – From Hollow to Arch

TTB Skill Work

:30 Dead Hang (Lat Activated)

2 Beat (Kip) Swings

Beat (Kip Swing) to target (Straight Legs) o target (Straight Legs)

.>Increase height of target until toes reach the bar OR form starts to break>Actively pushing down on the bar throughout the hollow of the skill

.>Increase height of target until toes reach the bar OR form starts to break

:35 WOD

Gymnastics Test
You can row or ski but when we restest use the same machine

AMRAP 14 Minutes, Climbing the Ladder:

3 Toes to Bar* (Straight Legs)

10 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 50s/35s

8/6 Calorie Row

*Each round, add 3 Toes to Bar.


AMRAP 14 Minutes, Climbing the Ladder:

3 Knee Raises*

10 Double DB/KB Deadlifts 35s/25s

8/6 Calorie Row

*Each round, add 3 Knee Raises

Target Score: Complete the round of 15 T2B and get into the following round

– Toes to Bar: 1:1 Kipping Knee Raises, Static Knee Raises, or V-Ups

– DB/KB DL: Should always allow for 10 UB Reps

:55 Cool Down

Thread the Needle


Don’t forget the Bill Sheehan Turkey Sandwich 5k on Thanksgiving morning. Arrive around 7:40 to warm up, race starts at 8am SHARP.

Warm Up

1 Round

Barbell position warm up THEN

10 Power Position Snatch

15/10 Cal Row

10 Hang Snatch

15/10 Cal Row

10 OHS

15/10 Calorie Row

5 Temp Pull Squat Snatch

:15 Strength

Squat Snatch

5 reps @ 55%

4 @ 60%

3 @ 65%

5 @ 60%

4 @ 65%

3 @ 70%

5 @ 65%

4 @ 70%

3 @ 75%

Rest 2-4 minutes between sets, drop and


:50 Cool Down



Childs Pose

1 104 105 106 107 108 533