Thursday 12/15
Warm Up
1 Min Glute Activation Steps
Then 2 Rounds
5 Empty Bar Front Squats
6 Box Step Ups
5 Burpees
:10 Strength
Front Squat
1×5 @ 60%
1×5 @ 60%
1×5 @ 70%
1×5 @ 70%
:30 WOD

EMOM 20 Minutes
1) 12/9 Cal Ski or row
2) 10 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24”/20”
3) 100 M Run
4) 60 Double Unders (Singles)
Ski and Run >> Hold a consistent speed for every round. These are NOT a sprint. Complete these in :35-:40
BBJO and Double Unders >> completed by :30- :35
Scale appropriately to hit these time domains.
:55 Cool Down
Figure Four

Warm Up
2 Rounds
10/8 Cal on Ski
8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip Press (snatch-grip push press behind the neck, ending in snatch overhead position)
8 Empty Bar Snatch Grip RDLs

:10 Strength
Squat Snatch
1×3 from Power Position
1×3 from Hang, at knee, w/ tempo pull (3 seconds)
1×3 Tempo Pull Squat Snatches
Then Squat Snatches off percentages,
4 reps @ 65%
3 @ 70%
2 @ 75%
4 @ 70%
3 @ 75%
2 @ 80%
4 @ 75-80%
3 @ 80-85%
2 @ 85-90%
Rest 2-4 minutes between sets, drop and reset.
Goal is for the last wave to be heavier than last
week’s last wave.
:55 Cool Down
Childs Pose

Warm Up
2 Rounds
1:00 Row
10 Empty Bar Back Squats
10 Jumping Air Squat w/ Wall Ball

:15 Strength
Back Squats
1×10 @ 55%
1×8 @60%
1×8 @65%
1×8 @70%

3 Rounds
750M Row
30 Wallballs 20/14
Rest :30 between Rounds
Today we are focusing on wallballs while under fatigue. Wallballs should be unbroken preferably or done in big sets.
:55 Cool Down

Monday 12/12
Warm Up
5 Minute amrap
12/8 Cal Ski
5 Light Single Arm Kneeling DB Press (each side)
10 Banded Face Pulls
10 push press

Review the push press and build up to your starting weight

:10 Strength
Push Press
Every 1:30 for 6 Minutes (4 sets) Off 1 RM
1×10 @ 50%
1×10 @ 55%
1×10 @ 60%
1×10 @ 60%

:30 WOD
4 Rounds For Time
28/18 Cal Bike
10 D-Ball or Sandbag Cleans (over the shoulder) 100/75

*target time has a lot to do with the PACE you can keep on the bike and thats what we are practicing today. some of us can pace 28 cals in 2 minutes without dropping off some of us can pace that in 2 minutes or less. find an uncomfortable pace you can hold on the bike.

Today we focus on pacing…The goal of this workout is for each athlete to find a steady pace that athletes can hold for all 4 rounds. KEEP MOVING. This means don’t go out hot and fall off on round 2.
Cool Down
Foam Roll target legs and lats

For Time with a partner 40 minutes cap
***Starting after the burpees partner will do a 100 foot yoke carry (50 down/50 back) after every movement. There will be sandbags at the 50 foot mark. perform 6 sand bags over the yoke (3 each) at the 50 foot mark and walk the yoke back
Row 1000
100 Burpees
90 Kb swings
80 Single arm Hang single arm DB clean and jerk
70 squats with your single DB
60 pull ups
50 Deadlifts 225/155
40 Single arm devil press
30 Lunges with your KB
20 bar muscle up or burpee jumping pull up
10 rope climbs
Row 1000m

1 100 101 102 103 104 533