A lot of work to get done in class today.
2 Rounds
10 Box Jump up Step Down or all steps
8 empty bar strict press
6 burpees
4 Ring rows or pull ups
Take a little time to build to a max strict press from the rack
Then back off that number just slightly to something you know you wont miss but will be challenging and do
6 Sets
1 Strict Press AHAP
into a Max Set of Push Presses
Into a max set of strict pull ups or a very challenging banded pull up
Rest 3:00 between sets
AMRAP 14 Minutes
Lateral Burpee Box Jump Overs 20/16″* or step ups!
*Every minute including 0:00 Run 100m
Score is total Burpee Box Jump Overs
Feel: Cardio
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 70+ Burpee Box Jump Overs (5/round)
Firebreather Score: 120+ Burpee Box Jump Overs (8-9+/round)
- Run: Reduce distance to keep to <:30 of work or modify to machine. , 100m Row
- Burpee Box Jump: Reduce box height or perform lateral bar burpees
Coach Focus: The lateral burpee box jump over is harder (meaning you will get more reps in) because it’s “easier” (you don’t have to stand all the way up, and it’s a shorter than usual box if you decide to stack plates, and you are not facing it so you are cutting some distance out). find a box or stack weights that allow you to sustain your pace for a majority of the 14 Minutes.
“The open” standard is generally box facing but give lateral a try today if you are comfortable with it and go for that higher volume of work.
No extra work today. None needed. Fitness was achieved.