Wednesday March 3rd

Warm up
3 Rounds
20 pass thoughs
1 wall walk
15 air squats

Up Side down test
Take 5 minutes to “max” on whatever you have been working on the past month.
-max distance handstand walk
-max weight strict press if you havent been going up side down
-max wall walks in 3 minutes
-max hand stand push in one set (you’ll probably only get 1 or 2 shots at this)
-whatever you have been working on we will help you pick what to do for this portion of the workout.

AMRAP 15 Minutes
30 Double Unders
15 Air Squats
10 KB Swings 53/35lbs

Double Unders: Each set should be :30 or less or scale to singles
Squats: ensure athletes are reaching full depth. For those who toe the line, squat to a wall ball or box
KB Swings: 1 set each round

6 Rounds
45 seconds on
15 seconds off
Max cals on a machine