Pigeon Stretch 2:00/ Side
3 Rounds
10 Box Step Ups with Light DB
10 Alternating DB Hang DB Snatch
10 PVC OH Squats
4 Sets
3 Shallow Kips (tight & fast)
3 Big Kips (Elevation is the goal)
1-3 bar Muscle Ups Rest as needed between
On a 9 Minute Clock:
60 Single Dumbbell Box Step Ups 50/35lbs, 24/20”
AMRAP in remaining time:
6 Overhead Squats 115/75lbs
3 Bar Muscle Ups
Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 4+ Rounds of the 6/3.
Firebreather Score: 6+ Rounds in the 6/3.
- Step Ups: Reduce weight before reducing box height or reps. Should not exceed 4 Minutes to complete.
- OHS: Should always be one set, scale weight to ensure athletes can move the barbell quickly and consistently.
- BMU: Should only be 1 set for most sets. Occasionally 2 sets. Can be reduced to 2 or 1 BMU, or scale to most difficult pulling gymnastics variation.
Coach Focus: The single DB step ups should take most athletes 2:30–3:30 to complete and is meant to pre-fatigue the legs ahead of the OHS/BMU couplet. When moving onto the couplet, athletes should be able to move consistently back and forth quickly from start to finish. Scale the weight and bar muscle up reps if needed to preserve the stimulus