Thursday February 3rd

1:00 Spiderman Lunges
20 Med. Ball Squat Cleans
1:00 Lateral Burpees over Bar
20 Unbroken Wall Balls
1:00 Aframe Toe Touches

EMOM Until failure:
1 Squat Clean Thruster 135/95lbs
Men add 10lbs per round.
Women add 10lbs per round for the first 3 rounds, then add 5lbs per round.

Stimulus: Heavy
Rest: As prescribed

Coach Focus: The thruster is one of our favorite movements for two main reasons. 1) It reminds athletes of the importance of positioning when squatting and pressing, and 2) it teaches athletes the value in core-to-extremity. If either principle is violated, a struggle will ensue. Additional Notes/Resources: Goal is for all athletes to complete a minimum of 7 minutes of thrusters. Scale starting weights accordingly. This is intended to be done BEFORE the metcon as a way to get athletes comfortable with a barbell that should be much heavier than the one they use in the metcon

For Time
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs
20 Thrusters 135/95lbs
40 Wallballs 20/14lbs