Barbell Warm up for the clean
We will give you time before starting the clock to build up in weight a little bit.
From 0-7:00
Find a 1RM Power Clean
Rest/weight change from 7:00-8:00
From 8:00-10:00 Max Rep Power Cleans @ 80% of the 1RM found before
*looking for 12 plus reps total in the two minutes
We are looking for the power clean to translate to the clean and jerk, so it’s important that we don’t allow you to find a 1RM by any means necessary. Avoid the dreaded “starfish” position, and instead catch the bar in a position that would allow you to squat if needed
2 Rounds
Run 400m
30 Front Rack Lunges 135/100lbs
*if you haven’t done high rep lunges with a barbell you are going to want to scale this back. Its a tough position for some to get in, so you can use db’s as well. scale by weight and reps. you are going to be sore.
4 Rounds
8 KB Facing Burpees
10 Double Russian KB Swings 53s/35s