Wednesday February 9th

Lunge Steps>Goblet Lunges>DB Front Rack Lunges
Light DB Strict Press>DB Push Press>DB Push Jerks
Lateral Burpees over DB (every round)
(Round 1 > Round 2 > Round 3)

Every 2 Minutes for 8 Minutes
1-4 Seated Strict Muscle Ups (Low rings)
Use a band as a modification to allow every athlete the ability to practice this drill


AMRAP 6 Minutes x 2
12 DB Push Jerks 50s/35s
25′ DB Front Rack Lunge 50s/35s
2 Burpee Muscle Ups
25′ DB Front Rack Lunge 50s/35s
Rest 3:00 between AMRAPs, Pick up where you left off.

Feel: Gas
Pacing: Sustain
Target Score: 5+ Rounds
Firebreather Score: 8+ Rounds

  • DB Push Jerk: Should never be more than 2 sets, ideally 1 set the majority of the workout. Scale weight before reps.
  • Lunge: Should always be able to lunge 25’ unbroken without hesitation.
  • Burpee Muscle Up: Should not exceed :30 at any point or coaches should reduce to 1 rep. If muscle ups aren’t developed yet, scale to the most difficult burpee pull up option the athlete can perform consistently.

    Coach Focus: For today’s workout to provide a gassy stimulus coaches must ensure athletes can stay moving steadily for both 6 minute AMRAPs. The small-ish doses of movements and the metabolic demand they have are what provide the stimulus, so coaches need to ensure that athletes stay moving. Your best athlete should be able to get a round every 90-to-100 seconds, but everyone should be able to do 2+ rounds in each AMRAP

    Competitor extra outside

    AMRAP 3 Minutes

Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 5 Minutes
MAxDistance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 4 Minutes
Max Distance Row/Ski
Rest 2:00
AMRAP 3 Minutes Max Distance Row/Ski