Barbell warm up together. empty bar
Minute 1- 10 Snatch grip deadlifts to knee
Minutes 2- 10 transition from knee to power
Minute 3- 10 snatch grip high pulls from power postion
Minutes 4- 5- Power pos. power snatch
Minute 5- 5 hand pos power snatch
Minute 6- 5 from shin, power
Minute 7- 5 OHS
Minute 8- 5 full snatch from shin
Strength/wod warm up 8 minute emom
(snatches minute 1-4, 1 snatch 4-8)
Full snatch adding weight every round
AMRAP 24 Minutes
2 Rope Climbs
20/16 Calorie Row
1 Squat Snatch*
Rest 1:00
*Bar should start between 60-70%, athletes can add weight every round.
***** Score is heaviest successful squat snatch*****
1 miss allowed per round. If you miss twice, go back to the rope and start over
The rope climbs and row are just a buy in every round to get you to the bar for your snatch attempt.
- Rope Climbs: 2 Climbs should not exceed :40 to complete at any point or the should be reduced to 1 climb. Athletes without the ability to climb the rope consistently may be scaled to 1 climb, climbing to a shorter target, or should be scaled to 4 strict pull ups per 1 rope climb.
- Row: Should take :45-:75 each round. Scale to 1:1 calories on other C2 Machines or to 14/10 Calorie AAB.
- Snatch: We are looking for squat snatches in this training piece, therefore some athletes may need to reduce the percentage below 60% to do so. For athletes who are not comfortable squat snatching, a power snatch + overhead squat is a good way to begin working this movement pattern. If the OHS position is not possible, scale to a squat clean
Coach Focus: Target tempo for each round is about 2 minutes of work, 1 minute of rest each round. With two higher skill movements, coaches will have to prioritize which movement they will emphasize teaching. Remember that less is more when it comes to coaching. Give your athletes a “bite-sized” amount of skill work vs. overloading them with information they cannot put into practice.