Happy New Year!
Ready to get serious about your nutrition? We still have a few openings left. Click here for details.
We have options today!
If you missed yesterdays New Years Day workout you can do that. It will be on the board.
If not let’s get some good old fashioned CrossFit work in.
Warm up
Coach Jordon’s Choice
Strength 12 minute EMOM. Switch between DB bench press (or floor press if we are short benches) and backsquats. Partner with somebody who is using the same weight as you so you can alternate.
Even Mintues 5 back squats… 75 to 80 percent
Odd minutes 10 Db bench presses.
You will have about 10 minutes to recover then get after this nice little 5 round wod
5 rounds for time
15 Wall Balls 30/20
14 Alternating DB snatches 70/50
200 M Run