Plan your weekend to attend this Sunday Funday! Class starts at 9am
Sunday Funday Teams of 2
Wod 1 Running clock 12 minutes, split up however
3 minute max cal row, in remaining time, right into…
10 thrusters 135/95 rx, sub 95/65 or 65/45 or whatever weight works for your team
10 TTB
10 synchro lateral bar over burpees
Wod 2
12 min AMRAP, partner 1 does a round then partner 2
8 cal ski
25m sandbag carry down
8 Sandbag cleans
25m sandbag carry back
Then switch partners
Wod 3 Teams of 2 Clean ladder 45 seconds for both partners to make 1 successful Clean, power or squat 15 second transition to next Barbell Girls starting weight 65lbs Guys starting weight 125lbs Each barbell in the ladder goes up 10lbs for both girls and guys up to 205lbs for girls and 265lbs for guys
**If one partner misses the other continues down the ladder and score is total pounds lifted