Sunday March 8th

Warm Up:
Find A Partner
500m Row (250 Each)
10 Synchro Air Squats
10 I Go You Go Burpees
10 Box Step Ups
10 Push Ups

With a partner split the reps as you’d like to complete:
5 Rounds:
9 Thrusters 115/75 INT-95/55 BEG- 75/35
1 Legless Rope Climb INT-Rope Climb With Legs BEG-3 Low Rope Pulls
Rest 5 Minutes
3 Rounds:
21 Box Jumps 24/20 INT-Step Ups BEG-20/18
15 Synchro Sit Ups
10m Handstand Walk INT-5m Walk BEG-10m Bear Crawl
Rest 5 Minutes
For time:
80 Wall Balls 20/14
800m Run Together