Teams of 3
Wod 1, 9 minutes (little take on wod wars wod) 2 Scores
P1- 12,9,6 95/65
P2- 9,6,3
Power clean and burpees over bar 95/65
First score is time it takes to finish the clean burpee portion of the wod.
Second score
The entire 9 minutes teammates can switch out on the rower because your second score is rower or ski cals. Partners working on bar can not switch until their clean/burpee is complete
Wod 2- Teams of 3- split work however you want. Always 2 people working at one time
2 Minutes per station. 3-4 rounds i havent decided yet
Station 1- 2 person worm cleans
Station 2- Synchro toes to bar
Station 3- synchro DB cleans
Station 4- rest
This is like fight gone bad. you will start on different stations, but nobody will start on rest.
If you end up with a sandbag instead of work just do sb cleans as fast as you can between 3 of you.