Monday April 25th

3:00 Moderate C2 Machine
10 Scap Push Ups
10 Shoulder Swimmers
20 Plate Ground to Overhead
20 Burpees to Plate
10 Plate Ground to Overhead
10 Burpees Box Jump Overs

Every :90 for 12 Minutes
5 Strict Presses

Stimulus: Heavy
Rest: As Prescribed
Coach Focus: 8 sets of strict press with todays work should allow all athletes the opportunity to dial in their vertical pressing. In previous weeks we have stressed bar path and pressing immediately. For today’s session remind athletes that bracing, purposely making their body tight, will aid with pressing a heavier barbell.

When we post a strict time cap on a chipper wod we want you to pay attention (and will help you) with scaling. If you go over the time cap, you are losing the intended stimulus.

For Time (CAP 10 MINUTES)
30 Power Snatches 75/55lbs
10 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
20 Burpee Box Jump Overs 24/20″
10 Deficit HSPU 4/2″
30/22 Calorie Bike
Time Cap: 10 Minutes


Feel: Gas

Pacing: Sustain

Target Score: 7-10 Minutes

Firebreather Score: Sub-6 Minutes


  • Power Snatch: Should not exceed 3 sets, ideally 1-2 sets
  • HSPU: Can be multiple sets, but should not exceed :90 to complete either set
  • BBJO: Should not exceed 2:30 to complete, scale box height before reps.
  • Bike: Should not exceed 3 minutes to complete. Keep other machines 1:1 for calories.

Coach Focus: The short chipper we have for athletes today should allow most athletes to finish inside the 10 minute cap. For most athletes to finish, coaches will need to curb athlete egos, specifically when it comes to the barbell and the HSPU. If athletes are moving slow in either spot, they will not have a chance to finish this workout. When athletes get to the burpee box jump overs, stepping up on the burpee will be the better strategy to keep them moving. If coaches are struggling to determine whether or not the movement and/or weight is appropriate, practicing a mini round like this:

10/7 Calorie Bike


10 Power Snatches

5 Deficit