Monday 9/19
A lot happening today but don’t worry! We will start with a barbell in our hands to get moving and to go over positional work, then into a little general warm up.
Warm Up
Barbell Review
Clean Pull from Power Position
Clean for Power Position
Hang Clean
Push Jerk
Split Jerk
2 Rounds
200m Run
10 Pause Air Squats
5 Hang Clean and Jerks
:15 Strength
Review Bench Technique
Shoulders back and down
Creating an arch with back, butt on bench
Leg drive (think pushing yourself in a wheeled chair in the drive)
Every 3:30 for 10:30 (3 sets)
5 Bench Press AHAP
Goal for all sets to be HEAVY (80%+ of 1RM)
:40 WOD
For Time
80 Air Squats
400m Run
12 Clean and Jerks 185/125lbs
Time Cap: 10 Minutes
Target Score: 8 Minutes
Air Squat: Should not exceed 4 minutes to complete the reps.
Clean and Jerk: Should not exceed 75% of the athlete’s 1RM C&J.
:55 Cool Down
Twisted cross