2:00 Row (Increasing speed every 30 seconds)
:30 Hollow Hold
15 Empty Bar Push Press
:30 Superman Hold
15 Empty Bar Push Press
:30 Active Hang from Pull up Bar
Muscle up (or pull up, we will meet you where are at!) progressions
5 Jump to Hollow
5 Jump to hollow + kip
5 Jump to hollow + kip + knees to bar (knees up)
5 Jump to hollow + Kip + knees to bar + aggressively open hip and close shoulders (pull down on bar)
Every 4 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1 Max Set of Bar Muscle Ups
Every 2 Minutes for 12 Minutes
1-4 Bar Muscle Ups
Or reps of whatever pull practice you are working on
Grab your empty bars for a quick push press review then
AMRAP 1:30 Minute x 5
150m Row
8 Push Presses 95/65lbs
Rest 1:30
Pick up where you left off each round