Friday July 1st

2:00 Band Pull Aparts
Run 400m
20 Ring Rows
20 KB Sumo Deadlift High Pulls
20 Air Squats
Run 400m
20 Push Ups
20 KB Swings
20 Goblet Squats

Workout of the day is a heavy benchmark wod called “Pennies”
Scaling is written below the main wod
“Pennies” Rx
For Time
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 225/155lbs
6 Muscle Ups
20 minute cap

Scaling options

When Scaling; Use one of the following modifications:
For Time
6 Squat Cleans 185/125lbs
4 Muscle Ups*
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 185/125lbs
4 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 185/125lbs
4 Muscle Ups
Run 400m
6 Squat Cleans 185/125lbs
4 Muscle Ups
*Muscle ups may be performed on a bar if this provides a challenging stimulus.

For Time
6 Heavy Cleans
6 Burpee Pull Ups Run 200-400m
6 Heavy Cleans
6 Burpee Pull Ups Run 200-400m
6 Heavy Cleans
6 Burpee Pull Ups Run 200-400m
6 Heavy Cleans
6 Burpee Pull Ups

Target Score: Sub-20 Minutes
Firebreather Score: Sub-13 Minutes
–   Muscle Up: Should not exceed 3 sets
–   Squat Clean: Should not exceed 80%
–   Run: Should not exceed 2:30