Strength, Bench press 3,3,3,3,3+ WOD wars competitors practice your wod wars skills, mobilize, or row/bike slow pace WOD 5 rounds 14 KB swings 55/35 7 burpees over the box Run 200 Read More
Strength Backsquat Remember your 90 percent number from last week.. use that 3,3,3,3,3+ 70%,75%, %80,%85,90% Wod 3 rounds 20 Dumbbell snatch (10 each arm) 20 burpees to a 6 inch targetRead More
Warm up- 1000m row Strength- 10 minute emom 2 hang power snatches from the knee Wod 800m run buy in Then 5 Rounds 15 Power Snatch (75/55) 10 Toes to BarRead More
Strength Back Squat 3,3,3,3,3+ 70%,80%,80%,85%,90% You need to warm up before these sets… if you don’t go all out on your 3+ set you are cheating yourself… and the universe. Wod- 5 rounds for time (we are time capping this, but we are not telling you the time cap) 20 wall balls 15 burpees...Read More
8am- endurance- Pin the tail on the donkey- for time 9am- mobility- potato sack races 10am- Wod- 100 mile partner carries- switch anytime, must also take a wall ball with you 11:30 Mystery Wod 12:30 Competition practice with special guests Peyton Manning and John Elway Its April 1st right?Read More