8AM (gym is open 8 to 11 for open gym as well) Endurance- Sprints 8-10 400m sprints on the post office road or 6 500m sprints on the rower. rest to work ratio is 1 to 1 on the rower. This is a lot harder than looks as long as you are truly giving max...Read More
Warm Up 100 Meter walking lunge (stretch your hips out.. drive your hips forward, dont rush through this) 50 squats Front Squat Friday Heavy 3’s.. we are going for a 3 rep max.. build to it.. this should take 5 or 6 sets. new athletes we are going to do 5 sets of 7 reps...Read More
Warm Up- Run 800 then 4 rounds of 5 pull ups 10 Push ups 15 Squats Strength is bench 5 sets of 5.. go until you miss Wod- 5 Rounds for time 9 Thrusters 115/75 9 Chest to bar pull ups (sub pull ups or banded pull ups or ring rows) Run 200Read More
Barbell Club Tonight starting at 6:00 6:00 to 6:30 beginners 6:30 to 8 advanced Want more help with your lifts? Ask Jordon about private lessons and his new and improved barbell club schedule. Warm Up- Rowling????????? Strength- This will take about 20 minutes PLEASE REVIEW THE VIDEO AND KNOW EACH MOVEMENT Find your 1 Rep...Read More
Warm Up- Teams of 2- 8 minutes of bike, switch every 30 seconds- slowly build intensity Grab a bar and do at least 20 empty bar snatches and 20 overhead squats Strength- 10 Minutes EMOM 2 snatches from the hang position (knees) Try to drop into your full snatch if you can, if not add...Read More
Did you miss the nutrition seminar? Grab an information sheet off the desk and take the first step in controlling your eating habbits. Monday- NON METCON MONDAY Warm up- Get moving, run or row 800 then hit 50 perfect air squats with a 1 second hold at the bottom Strength- Back Squats- 4 sets of...Read More
FREE NUTRITION SEMINAR TOMORROW AT 8AM! Open to everyone! Bring your friends! Sunday at 8:00 AM before Sunday Funday Bernie Anderson will be presenting a Nutrition Seminar to help all of you better understand what you should be consuming on a daily basis to help you better fuel your workouts, feel more energized, lose fat,...Read More
Front Squat Friday Bike 5 minutes Warm Up- 60 Perfect Air Squats. If you’re not to “perfect” yet, we will help and give you drills. Its flexibility for most of you Strength Front Squat 5,5,5,5,5 Wod- 25 minute time cap Buy in 50 calorie bike —then— 4 rounds for time 100 M farmer carry 50ish...Read More
Today will be starting our “open gym trial” Open Gym is 1pm-3pm Tuesday and Thursday. This is just a test run. Simple guidelines that apply to everyone are below. Participation in at least 3 regular classes a week is mandatory. Don’t isolate yourself from group classes. Open gym IS -a time to work on your...Read More
Wednesday Schedule 5am,6am, 10am and 4pm, 5pm CrossFit 6pm-6:30 Barbell Basics Class with coach Jordon 6:30-close Barbell Club You can still do the daily Wod after 6, it will just be on your own Warm Up-800m or 1 mile partner sandbag run Strength Push Jerk from the rack Heavy 3’s 3,3,3,3,3 Keep working up, five...Read More